Chapter twenty

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Santiago POV
My world was a void of emptiness. Everyday was a hell on Earth.

I have been in this institution for the past three weeks and all I have been able to do is cry.

Life makes no sense to me, I have no purpose, but even through all of this I know Jesus has a plan for me.

I know he put me here to learn to trust in him, and without his presence I would not be able to survive.

I have been threw pure torture, one day after another, and it all started with them.
Shock, that's all that keep going throw my head. How the hell was the person I loved, a werewolf.

I made my way back to my house, but what lied inside was life changing. I made made my way into my house, when I saw both of my parents in the living room, and they did not look happy.

"Hi dad, hi mom what's going on," I tried keeping a happy aura, even though all I wanted was to break down.

"Who the fuck do you think you are coming into my house the way you are."

I had no idea what they were referring to, I knew I was dirty from the rain and the mud, but I usually came home from practice this way.

"What do you mean?" He gave me the most pissed of look I had ever seen.

"Don't play stupid with me, how the hell are you going to lie to me faggot," then it hit me , they had found out that I was with Armani and I knew from the expressions on their faces, they were not happy.

"I.....I.....I can explain." He stood up grabbing the vase aiming it at me. I ducked right before it hit me but that didn't satisfy him.

"You sorry excuse for a human being, after all we have done for you, after all God, the church has done for you, you decide to throw all away on some...some faggot!"

He face was bright red and so was his eyes. I had never seen so much rage in a person, it was alarming.

I should have kept my mouth shut, but couldn't something deep down wouldn't let me.

"He is not some faggot, he is the love of my life and I would do anything for him."

I had no idea were that came from but deep down I knew I loved him.

Yes he might be a wolf but he is still Armani, the person who was willing to lay down his life for me.

I had to apologize to him if I ever get out of here alive. To say my father was pissed was clearly an understatement.

He lunged at me grabbing me by my hair. We made our way upstairs, but before we made it up I saw my mothers face, she had bags under her eyes from the crying, but she had a glimpse of terror in her eyes.

We made it to my room where my father started to destroy everything, papers, clothes, beds, everything.

"Dad," he simply looked at me.

"Don't you ever call me dad again, I will not father an abomination such as yourself.

With that last statement he grabbed my hair again and slammed my head on the desk. Everything went black after that. 6 hours later, I had awoken in a plane.

I asked the sturdiest where we were going, she said Wyoming.

12 hours later I arrived at the Conversion Therapy Camp, and rest is history.
Currently it was recreational time which meant just being around the ranch while people watch your every move.

I had found the music lab one faithful afternoon. There I met a boy about my age.

His name was Xavier , he was a supernatural, more specifically a Phoenix.

I was on my way to see him. I made it to the music lab, stopping I heard the most harmonic voice, it went with the song perfectly.

He was singing Turning Tables from Adele. His voice was met with such passion it could truly bring you to tears.

I started singing with him, harmonizing our voices to make a angelic sound.

"You never cease to impress me." His voice was of a higher octave. He had dark red hair almost black looking, his eyes were an auburn color, he says this is due to the fact he was a Phoenix.

His was about my height, 5,9, and had tattoos. He looked like a bad ass but if you got to know him, he was a sweet heart.

"How are papa," he was from Latin dissent which meant he could understand and speak Spanish.

"I am doing better than I was three weeks ago." He gave me a sincere smile.

He had been stuck in this place for 1 year and he understands were I am coming from.

"Well papa as long as you don't let them win, you will be alright."

I gave him a smile before asking him a question, " you know how I told you about Armani, well I would just like to know if you think he would get back together with me."

He smiled, "well here is the thing, you broke his heart, he is a wolf and not just any wolf, an Alpha, so it might take some time but I believe you and him have a bond no one will brake, not even this stupid freak show."

He always found a way to put comedy in the sad things of life, that's what drew me close to him.

He was right though, I did brake Armani's heart and it would take time to repair it. I can't believe I let something as pure and honest as him walk away from my life.

Now I had no one, but luckily I was out of this place in one week, which meant I could go back to Armani and apologize.

I sat on the piano and started to play. Xavier sang while I played, before we knew it rec. time was over and we had to go to our cabins.

Unfortunately Xavier was not in my cabin but I had made another friend while there.

His name was Max, he had come in here a few days after me. He had a similar experience to me except his father didn't make him black out.

"Good night you worthless scums!" Officer Pete spat.

"Goodnight officer Pete!" This place was ran kind off like a military school, but way worse.

I slipped into my pajamas and into bed.

"How was your day Max." He leaned over the bunkbeds, making sure to cause any noise.

"I had my daily dosage of electrical shocks but I am hanging in there."

In this place their version of conversion is by tying you to a chair and placing electrical currents while you watch gay porn.

I had "stepped up" and now I got hot rods placed on my toes and hands. To say it was pure torture would be like saying rape was acceptable.

"Well as long as you hang in there and trust in the Lord everything will be okay."

He went back to his bed and said goodnight. I sang a little lullaby to help him fall asleep, and in the process help myself.

I was counting the days that I had so that I could go back and find Armani. Hopefully he hasn't moved on.

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