Chapter thirty-eight

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Santiago POV
I woke with a sharp noice ringing in my ear. I have no idea what is going on. Mani woke up a while ago and to my disbelief is already downstairs. I quickly change and head his direction. I see all the pack downstairs ready.

"It has begun, good luck out there." My main job at the moment was to get all the children safe and away from the fight because they are the future of the Luna pack.

The pregnant women were evacuated yesterday so that they will wait for the kids once we get there. I gather up all the children and make start to make my way to the bunkers, but not before Mani grabs me and kisses me.

"Be careful out there."

I kiss him back, "same with you." With that me, my grandmother, and Maria leave with the children.

It was like a war zone out here, wolves fighting wolves. Dead bodies lying on the floor.

I cover the babies faces so that they don't have to see what I see. Not shortly one of the little girls started crying.

"It's gonna be okay mama, you need to stay strong for your pack, your brother, your parents, you are strong Luna I can feel it."

She nods her head and and started to run again. Unfortunately most of the children cannot change into wolves which is why they chose us because we have the power to fight without turning into wolves.

It felt like forever but we almost made it. When all of a sudden a RBM wolf appears.

"Live the Red Bloods!" He lunged at one of the kids. I use my magic to stop the wolf from moving.

"Now die!" With that he body went limp and fell to the ground.

We made it. Handing the women the children, we headed off to join the fight.

Maria stayed back to help the women and children just in case they try some shit. My grandmother and I teleport to where the fight is.

Blood, pandemonium, and hatred filled the air.

"Grandma watch out!" She turns around and waves her hand to kill him. Me and her change into our wolf form to continue the fight.

I spot Mar being attacked by one of the wolves so I go to help him, but when I am about to he lifts the water from the ground and begins to use it.

It was so cool, it kind of looked like water bending but more magical.

Wolfs came from left and right, I was beginning to get fatigued. It has been over an hour of this, but I knew that I needed to keep it together for the pack, for my mate.

Mar, my grandmother, and I made our way closer to the Red Blood Moon territory. Once in their lands we transform back into our human forms. I say an incantation to cover our smells and tracks.

We entered their house being very cautious about what's inside. Carefully we make it to their grand hall where we are greeted by my father holding my mother and Renee captive.

"You finally showed up, took you long enough." Out of no where three huge men grab us and pin us against the wall. They wrap our legs and arms.

"Now you will all pay for your actions." He grabs my mother and slams her against the wall causing blood to spew from her mouth.

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