Chapter seventeen

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Armani POV
Today was the day. I have been waiting three months for this, to finally tell him that I was a werewolf.

The past three months with Santi have not been easy, but they have been fun. I have gotten to know Santi in a pretty profound level over these past three months, and I believe it was time to tell him the truth.

To say I was scared was an understatement, I was literally shitting bricks. This could end both good and bad.

On one hand he could accept me, causing me to mark him and we could live a long prosperous life together, but on the other hand he could reject me, cause to go insane, leaving the Luna pack Alpha-less for the time being.

I had no idea what was going to happen all I knew is that I had to wait until school was over to tell him.

The school day pasted by like a turtle, slow and uneventful. I got sent to CSI for falling asleep in history.

Let's be honest I probably know more about history than they ever will, so I was not pressed. The final bell rung meaning the school day was over. I was both nervous and excited for what's to come.

I texted Santi to meet at our spot, behind the school. Since Santi still would not come out, we have been meeting there.

I don't understand why it is so hard for a person to speak their truth but I respected Santi's wishes. As soon as I arrived I saw Santi waiting for me.

A sense of tranquility hit me when I saw him. I know that he is the one person in this world that could calm me down in an instant.

I made my way up to him placing a kiss on his lips. He kissed me back causing chills to rack down my spine.

"Babe can you meet me at our favorite place today, I have something important to show you," he was a little put off by my statement but nodded in agreement.

We spent the rest of the time talking about our day and finishing up homework together.

He was a brilliant dude, I am not just saying that because he is my boyfriend but I am saying that because he could teach a blind man to read.

He has straight A's, a 4.0 GPA and all his 24 credits down. He had a scholarship to the FIU, UM, and many more out of state universities.

I was so proud that my mate was bright and willing to learn.

It was now 4:00 pm meaning it was time for both him and I to go home. It was always sad leaving him, but since we didn't live together I could see him all the time.

We got up and made our way to the student parking lot. The school was nearly empty, the only people left were teachers and administration.

Once at Santi's car, I placed a quick kiss on the lips before telling him I will we him later.

We had agreed to meet up at 8:00, by the waterfall. It was going to be the longest four hours of my life.

At home all I could do is think about possible senecio's, none of them were good.

"Don't sweat it man, from what you have told me he loves you, I don't think that he would just leave you like that," Gio spoke with such sureness, he almost had me convinced, almost.

I just didn't know what to do, I didn't want to loose Santi over this.

"Bro chill out, whatever happens, happens, just know we are here for you if it ends up badly."

I looked at Tony and gave him a smile, I have the best friends in the world. I gave them a hug before going upstairs and changing into my sweatpants and hoodie.

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