Chapter thirty-seven

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Armani POV
"Come on men are we going to let the Luna's beat us." All the men chant no. Right now I am leading the men up a mountain, we have made a pack with the girls that if they win we will carry them down the hill, but if we win they carry us.

I encourage the men until we make it up the mountain, once there we find the girls all laying down and waiting for us.

"What took you guys so long." Santi joined the women because technically he was the future Luna so he had to get prepared to lead them.

"Okay you girls win, pick your man and let's go back down we still have a long day ahead of us." Santi climbs on my back as we make our way back down the hill.

"Okay everyone pair up it's time for sparing." I grab Santi so that I can spare with him. We make our way to the mat and begin.

"I will take it easy on you..." he grabbed my arm and pinned me to the mat. Twisting himself he threw me.

"How about you try and take me down, if you can you'll get a reward, if I win I get one."

I smiled and lunged at him turning into my wolf. I was bigger now, ever since I mated fully with Santi, my wolf has been getting bigger, stronger, faster.

I tape into my Alpha abilities and my eyes change to a green. He transforms too, waiting for my attack. I move quickly, dodging attacks that keep coming from him. I jab him from the left causing him to roll.

"Are you okay baby?" He takes this as an opportunity to attack. He hit my stomach with his head flipping me over. After about two hours of intense sparing we take a break.

"So clearly I won." He hits me on the arm.

"Lies, I clearly won." I couldn't fight with him so I caved in and said that he won, which means something good for him. Santi kisses me before joining my mom, his grandmother, and the head elder to train. I on the other hand, get my dad, the beta, and the gamma.

"Okay son, time to train like a leader."

By the end of the training I couldn't feel my body. Santi was off at school finishing his last test before rejoining us. I had finished early, taking night classes, and extra hours. I make my way up to my mom. She was cooking lunch for everyone.

"Hey mom." She gives me a warm smile before looking back at the food.

"Mani I just want to say how proud I am of you." I was taken aback, "why?" She looked at me with confusion. "Well because of the man you turned out to be. I am proud of your decision making skills, and the fact you became such an amazing leader. I know that you will be a great Alpha." I moved across the counter to hug her. I feels like forever since I last did. She hit my head and told me to take a shower because I am stinking up the whole room with my oder. Typical mother.

I come down stairs to be greeted by Santi talking to Mar. "Hey Mar." he smiles at me. "Hey Mani, I was just talking to Santi about the war and if the is anything I could help with." I feel confident in the fact that both Dylan and Marcos are so willing to help even though this is not their fight. I kiss my man before walking out to speak to my father.

"Son, I want to give you something." I reach out and grab a ring. Placing on my finger I ask him what it was.

"It is an Alpha air-loom, you have the family one, but I wanted to give you this one. It has been passed down from generation to generation, and now it is yours. I trust you son, and I trust your ability to lead this pack to victory. It won't be easy and lives will be lost, but I know that with you leading them nothing will stop us from winning. I love you my son, and do me proud."

I give him a huge embrace. I love him so much and I am so happy that he trust me to lead this pack. I make my way back to the training field for our final training session.

"Okay guys that's a wrap. Be prepared because tomorrow, tomorrow it ends. The feud between the Blood Red Moons and the Luna will die and we will emerge victorious."

Everyone chanted and made their way back to the pack house. I climbing into bed with Santi curled up next to me.

Once it was 1:00 am I heard a loud noice, its begun.

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