Chapter twenty-eight

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Listen to the song when the lyrics appear!!!!!!
Santiago POV
The breeze chilled my bones, while the waves calmed my aura. Yesterday was stressful and I just needed some alone time.

I told Armani, he was completely supportive with my decision, but said if I needed anything to just call him.

I have been at the beach since 11:00 am and now it is 2:00pm. I dipped my head in the water so I could feel the current.

A glowing figure appeared in the distance. Maybe it was one of the people that wanted to capture, but once in site I saw who it was. It was Renee.

"Hey Santi," she seemed off ever since started living with Armani.

"Hey Renee, is everything okay?" She sat down near the water, "I am okay." From the tone in her voice I knew she was lying.

I got out of the water, grabbed a towel and sat next to her.

"Renee I know we have never talked personally but I do care for you, you can trust me."

She began to weep, "I haven't told anyone this." I was confused as to what she was referring to but I let her tell me.

"When you were at the Conversion camp me and Marcos had found it weird that you had just left town, so we went to investigate. When I went to go meet up with Mar I found these two guys betting up this gay person. I immediately went to go protect the gay kid, but the people that were bullying him did not care for they....they."

I rubbed her back letting her know that I was there for her.

"They rapped me, the pinned me to the floor and almost stuck there penis in me just because I was trying to help a poor kid. They luckily didn't only because Mar came at the right time."

I let her fall into my embrace, I could believe that this happened her. No one should be rapped especially for trying to help someone out.

"Where are those two cunts now," she sat back up, wiping the tears from her face.

"They are dead since me and Mar took care of them, but I wanted to tell you this because those people were from the Red Blood Moon pack and they were your friends."

I couldn't believe it someone from my team had the nerve to rape a girl just for the fuck of it.

"Santi look, I came down here because Anna, Mrs.Marino, wanted to talk to you."

We stood up and started to make our way back to the pack house.

"Renee if there is anything else you need to talk to me about I am here for you." She hugged me in return.

Once at the pack house, I went upstairs and took a shower. Mani was with the male wolves in a hunt while the female wolves and I were at the house.

I quickly got changed and went downstairs. There I saw all the female wolves getting ready for their hunt.

"Alright ladies let's go." Anna looked at me and smiled, "well I guess we will be taking you on our hunt, future Luna."

I couldn't believe I got stuck leading the girls, especially now that I don't get horny when they are around, life sure has a funny way of putting things.

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