Chapter twenty-seven

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Santiago POV
I woke up in an agonizing pain.

"Help... Help!"

Those were the only words I knew how to say. A sudden heat arose from my body, it felt as though lava was put on my skin.

I couldn't breath it was to hard, all I could do was pray that whatever was happening to me would stop.

Armani woke up frantic, "don't worry we need to get you outside side."

A shirtless Armani was carrying me outdoors. A few of the pack members followed us outside to see what was going on, while the doctors and nurses stood close to Armani making sure I didn't past out.

My bones started to ach, I heard them crack and shift back into place. I was crying at this point, what was going on with me, why was I experiencing all this pain.

Then out of nowhere it all stops. My body cooled down, and stood still. I felt shorter and for some reason everyone kept looking at me awe.

Then it really hit me, I was a wolf. I guess it took all night for my wolf to arise. I still had no idea why everyone was so shocked, isn't normal for a wolf to mark a human?

"Babe you are magnificent." He kneeled down and gave me a tight hug.

I shifted back into my human form, Armani gave me a pair of underwear and a blanket to cover myself.

"Babe why is everyone staring at me." He caressed my hair, "babe you know how I told you that there was only one white wolf in existence."

I nodded my head, "well now there is another one." I looked at him confused, what does he mean there is another one?

Then it hit me like a school bus, I was the other white wolf. I couldn't believe it, me Santiago is a white wolf.

"How did this happen." As soon as I uttered those words Armani's father and an old man walked through the back door.

Everyone bowed their heads, all except for me. Who is this old man and why is everyone so scared of him.

"Let me introduce myself, I am Emilio, Head Elder of the Wolves." I had no idea who he was, but Armani assured me that he was an important figure.

"When you get dressed come to the Alphas office so we could talk." We bowed our heads as he walked away.Mani took me upstairs to change.

"What was all that about."

He handed me a pair of sweatpants and one of his t-shirts. I loved the way his shirt was bigger on me, it made me feel so safe, and I could tell he loved it too.

"Well he is sort of like the leader of all the wolves."

I had no idea what he meant but I guess I will find out when I get downstairs.

I went down the steps slowly, my body still ached from the transformation earlier this morning.

I stepped inside Mr. Marinos office and sat down.

"So why I am here?" They both simply laughed.

"Well Santiago, it seems you have become one of the rarest wolves to ever walk this earth."

I was happy that I was the rarest but there was a slight distress in their voice.

"Now, with this new found knowledge, people are going to try to capture you."

I started to tense up, this would only happen to me.

"Why am I a white wolf and not black or brown."

The elder then spoke, " well it's hard to explain but I will try my best. See, when two wolves mate and have an offspring usually what happens is that their child will end up with the genetic code for black or brown fur. Now when a human mates with a wolf and their wolf is created, their fur ends up being silver or gray. Their offspring will end up being able to have silver, black, brown, or gray fur."

I nodded my head in compliance.

"Now golden wolves are rare, they all have one common ancestor, this is because they were know as the saviors. The saviors were a group of wolves sworn to protect and reintroduce werewolves to the world. Many of them went extinct because they were persecuted for being so different. Now, bronze or red wolves are known as rouges. Their fur was tainted will rage and anger towards their banishment from their packs. Not only that but their eyes glow red as a reminder that they were abandoned or outcast from their packs."

I still didn't understand why me if all people would end up being a white wolf.

"Now, in a white wolfs case, both the parents would have had to have been wolves, but the gene for becoming a wolf did not show itself in their offspring, but that is not what causes your fur to end up white. What happened is, if the offspring ends up mating with a wolf and ends up getting marked, their true wolf comes out, but instead of being black or brown they will end up being silver or gray. Now, since all those possibilities of fur color are there the gene doesn't know what fur color to stick to so it creates one. This being white."

I was understood everything but one. My parents are wolves! It blew my mind away, I couldn't believe it my mother and father are wolves.

"In your case your father is a rouge and your mother is his mate. Your father used to be in a pack called La Luna Azul, but was kicked out for being a traitor to the religion. He wanted to be a Christian but as a wolf it wasn't allowed back then. He could have come back after the ban was pulled but he was to into crime by then. His fur had become tainted with the blood of others and the anger towards his pack. He later joined the Red Blood Moon pack and met your mother. Your mother was an ordinary human, but chose to mate with him. She became a she-wolf with silver fur while your father had his bronze one. They later had you but since your father was a rouge the gene never showed up for you."

I couldn't take it I needed fresh air. I excused myself from the office and went outside.

My father was a wolf, but not only that a rouge, and my mother was a wolf too.

My whole life was just one big lie. Then I remembered my grandmother, 'that's why she was always so admit that wolves existed'.

That's why my parents would never tell me about my grandfather,  so they could hid the fact that we were wolves.

I sat down on the grass and just contemplated my life choices. I don't know about anyone else but my life was crashing down on me again, and I don't know if I could take it this time around. I just don't know.

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