Chapter thirty-one

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Santiago POV
"Vamos Santiago!"

I couldn't take it anymore, I collapsed on the floor, panting.

"Now how do you expect to get to my level of power, with just quitting."

Everything was a haze, the trees, the sky, my grandmother.

"Levantate Coño!" I stood back up and got into fighting stance.

"Now let's do this again." With a wave of her hand she created a warrior wolf.

"Now begin!" He came at me from the right, so I jabbed him from the left. He came at me strong, but I waved my hand and made him go flying.

"Good work." She has been teaching me the mystic arts.

My grandmother was in charge supernatural powers, while the Head Elder was in charge of my spiritual awakening and Anna was in charge of my physical strength.

Separately they all brought something table, but combined they are a force to be reckoned with.

"Now onto healing." I sat down next to the Head Elder and my grandmother.

"This requires you to tap into your mystical arts as well as your spiritual likeness."

They told me to get into a meditation pose, with my legs crossed and my arms midway I began to concentrate.

"Feel where your body needs repair." I felt my head, my ribs and my legs needed healing.

"Okay now try to find the water of your body."

I could sense my water weight, it was so cool tapping into my body.

"Now use that water to heal the places that need repair:"

I channeled all my energy into healing my injuries. I started with my head, then my ribs, and finally my legs.

"Great job Santiago, you are a fast learner. Tomorrow we will train the body, now go find Armani."

I gave my grandmother a kiss, and the Head Elder a hug. I ran off to go find Armani.

We haven't been together in while because of our hectic ass schedule.

   I found him int the Grand office alone. He had a ton of books laid out in front of him.

I made my way closer, the books were about wolf history or about The Luna Pack.

"Hey babe can I come in." He motioned for me to get closer. I sat on his lap while he did more research.

"What do you need Santi, I am really busy." I looked at him with a stern face, "you know you speak to me nicer."

I tried walking away from him but he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer.

"I am sorry baby I just am really stressed."

I stood up and went behind him. I started to massage his tense shoulders, he let out a sigh of relaxation, "that's the spot."

I loved being able to change his mood.

"Well next time take your stress out on your prey, not your mate." He said sorry as I continued to massage his back.

"Mani I want to go on a date, an official one." He closed his book and turned around.

"Really," I looked at him like he was stupid.

"No, I just want our relationship to never go anywhere."

He pinned me against the wall, "I love it when you are sarcastic."

He cupped my face, while running his fingers inside my shirt. He played with my nipple, so I moaned.

"So is that a yes." He stopped kissing me.

"Yes whatever you want Santi." He sat back down on his chair and continued with his work.

I went up behind him and kissed him on the neck seductively, "and maybe, you will get what you want."

I could sense his arousal, before he could be anything I ran out of the room making sure to shake my ass.

"You are such a tease." I loved teasing my boyfriend, I loved it.

I spotted my mom talking with the Head Elder and my grandmother.

"Hey papa." My grandmother healed my mother as soon as she finished my classes.

"I am good mama, can I go to the mall with Marcos."

My grandmother turned around, "sure but be very careful Manti."

I gave them both a kissed them both on cheek and ran off. I texted Marcos to meet me at the mall.

He texted back "okay!" I got Armani's car and drove off.

Once I got to mall I spotted Marcos. He was at Auntie Anne like always. I swear he eats more than me but has a better six pack.

"Hey fatty," he put down his pretzel and slapped me across the face.

"Call me that one more time." I gave him a gigantic hug.

"I missed you gordo." He laughed, "missed you too. Okay so what are we doing here?"

I dragged him to ASOS. "We are going to find me something to wear for my date with Armani."

He dropped his pretzel, "omg yes!" He grabbed my hand and we went into the store.

"Okay is it casual, fancy, or what?" I honestly had no clue, I didn't think that far.

"I have no clue." Marcos looked at me with the 'are you stupid' face.

Something in me said semi-casual so that's what I told Mar.

"okay so how about a button down shirt with a pair of dark jeans and dress shoes." I nodded my head in agreement.

"I love it!" After about three hours of searching for the right clothes, we finally found it.

A white causal button down shirt, white skinny dark wash jeans and caramel brown suede dress boots with a matching belt.

We left the store and went back to the food court because gordo here wanted more food. I was feeling a bit hungry myself so I decided to eat too.

"Santi how have things been at the pack house." I missed having conversations with Mar.

"Well you would never believe who showed up, my grandmother." He chocked on his noddles, "hold up wasn't she dead."

I laughed, "yes, but apparently she didn't die she just left because her purpose on this earth was done."

He looked so funny trying to comprehend everything.

"So what is her purpose now?" I sighed, "well apparently the Luna pack is in trouble and we need to protect it, also something about Mani turning into a rouge."

Mar spoke, "that's some serious shit, is that why you are going on the date with Mani?"

My best friend knew me better than I knew myself.

"Yes, I just don't want Mani to become a rouge, so I am going to do everything in my power to make sure that doesn't happen."

He simply laughed, "Santi just make sure you show him that you love him and everything will be alright."

He gave such great advice. "So have you and Dylan done it."

He looked at me confused, "done mean have sex."

I could bring myself to say it, something about it I just didn't like.

"No, but we did make love. See Santi there is a difference between just having sex and making love to someone."

I blushed, dam I am such a pussy when it comes to these things.

"When you are ready you will know, and Mani will wait for you."

I missed my best friend, he knows me like I don't. We picked up our garbage and left the mall.

I drove him back to Dylan's while I went to back to the pack house because tomorrow was going to be a grueling day and I needed all the strength I could get.

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