Chapter thirty-four

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Armani POV
I woke up with a shock of pleasure running through my body. I look left and I notice Santi isn't there, but when I look down all I can see are sheets moving up and down. For a split second I am confused but then out of no where a cum.

"Ahhhh" Santi pulls back the sheets, and smiles. "Good morning babe."

I can't help but kiss him, I know you probably think that's gross but it's not, I mean it came out of your body.

"We are going to the beach for sure, so wake the fuck up, breakfast is made already, and get changed."

I love it when he is demanding, he looks so hot when he is telling me what to do. I grabbed his chin with my thumb and pointer lifting it up so that I could see his majestic eyes.

"You look beautiful baby." His cheeks get a reddish tint to them, I kiss him softly on the lips before getting out of bed and heading towards the shower. After the events from last night, I need make sure I smell fresh and clean.

Once out of the shower, I spot Santi standing up looking at his phone, so I sneak up on him and slap him in the ass.

He jumps from the shock before turning his head to face me.

"What the fuck was that?" I simply shrugged "what I love to see it jiggle."

He tried keeping a hard face but I knew he was bluffing. If there is one thing I know about Santi is that he loves to please other, and in my case more was than one.

The breeze in my hair, the sand on my feet, and the sun on my skin. It was perfect and having my boyfriend here with me just makes it better. We set up our stuff close to the hotel, before we head off in the ocean.

"Babe put on some sun screen on me." I happily slap on sunscreen on my loves body, he says it to keep his skin mocha fresh.

I on the other hand need a tan because I am looking white as fuck, kind of sickly.

"Who ever gets there last, is a rotten egg!" I swear I am dating a five year old, but either way I join in.

I run as fast as my legs could take me, Santi was catching up. I don't care if he is a white wolf, I am going to reck him, so when I am about to lose, I tap into an Alpha secret and end up beating him.

"That's not fare you used the Alpha secret."

He was so cute when he was mad. "You never said we could use wolf powers did you?" He simply huffed, "your right, but still not fare."

I pick him up by his waist and spun him around. "I know I keep saying this but, I love you."

He giggles as I put him down. He kisses me as a response to my love.

The rest of the day was spent in the water. It was getting late and unfortunately this was our final day here.

So I pick up my mate and made our way to the room to pack.

"Baby, how did you like this weekend?" He jumps on top of me straddling his legs around my waist. "I loved it and I wish it could be more like this."

I kiss him on the lips passionately, needing, no craving his love. I let go before things get to heated. "Okay time to pack."

The pack house looked cleaner than usual. I guess things have really been tight around here.

"Your back!" I get a huge hug from Gio. "I have news to tell you!"

Oh boy did I have news to tell him. "Okay let me just put my stuff back in my room." I make my way back downstairs where I spot Mar talking to Santi.

I come up behind him, hugging him from the waist.

"Hey Mani." Something seemed different about him, I couldn't put my paw on it, but it was like he had a new glow to him.

I kiss Santi in the cheek before excusing myself and finding Gio.

"Okay so what was it that you had to tell me." Gio had the biggest grin on his face, he kind of looked like the Grinch.

"Okay so you know how me and Raven have been trying right?" For a second I had no clue what he was talking about but then he said, "well, we are having a child!" I could believe it my best friend was having a child.

"That's amazing news when did you find out?" He told me the she didn't know she was pregnant until two months into it.

I hugged him, wow I can't be any happier for him. Tony then walks into the room. "Well I guess he finally told you."

I swear Tony has such a way with words.

"Okay so your turn what did you need to tell me." Tony looks confused, "so what am I dog shit on the road spill it to me too."

I don't know why but I was nervous to talk to both Santi's mother and Grandmother.

"Well boy spit it out." I scratch the back of my head before taking one last deep breath.

"I want to ask for your permission to ask Santi to marry me." They both shot up like rockets, "of course!"

This made me so happy just to see them support my decision to marry him. There is a difference between a ceremony and a marriage.

When you have the ceremony, both of you are bound by the gods for eternity, but when you get married, the human world binds you.

Next was my parents, and of course they said yes. So it was official I was doing this now all I needed was the ring.

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