Chapter thirty-two

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Armani POV
Tonight was the night, the night everything will make sense, the night when me and my prince go out and celebrate our love.

I wanted this date to be like no other. I talked to his parent and she allowed me to take Santi to our apartment by the beach.

I told Santi to pack his bags and make sure to pack swim suits for the trip.

I was on my way to pick him up, he had stayed in Dylan's place because he missed his best friend, and he wanted to catch up with him.

I made it to the door, I rang the doorbell. The most beautiful creature I have ever laid my eyes on opened the door.

He looked stunning, "hey, beautiful." His cheeks turned bright red, he said goodbye to Dylan and Mar, and made his way towards the car.

I grabbed his bags, he said he could take them but I didn't care, I love taking care of my baby.

2001-2017 songs were playing in the car as of now. I loved throwbacks more than new songs, I don't know why but I just do.

"Where are we going babe," his face was so cute when he was confused, I could just eat him up.

"First, we are going to a nice restaurant, then, we are going to drop our stuff at the apartment, and after whatever you want baby."

He kissed me on the cheek, "what was that for?" He simply laughed, "cause I love you."

We finally made it to the beach. This particular beach was as clear as glass. It had the best tint of blue and green while the sand was like a pillow.

There were restaurants, apartments, and carnival rides at this beach, it was like a miracle from heaven.

We parked close to the restaurant, "The Sirens," it is a mesmerizing place.

We went up to the hostess, "good afternoon fellas, do you have a reservation?"

He told her my last name, she signed off next to it and lead us to our table. I had gotten a beach side view so that we could here the calming waves.

"Have a swell time lads, your waiter will be here in a moment."

I looked into my mates mesmerizing eyes, causing him to blush. I grabbed his hand over the table, he tensed for a second but calmed down as I rubbed his hand.

"Baby it's okay I am here for you, nothing is going to happen."

He let out a sigh, "I know it's just this is all new for me."

Our waitress came shortly after, "hello gentlemen, can I get you anything to drink for tonight."

Santi ordered a water and so did I. We were not old enough to drink, plus I am trying to stay in shape for my man.

    "Are you ready to order?" Santi opened the menu, "yes can I get the fried calamari with white rice and shrimp."

The waitress wrote down all of it and then looked to me.

"The usual Briana." She gave me a smile, causing Santi to look at me confused.

"Okay, your meal will come out shortly." She walked away swaying her hips, I laughed a little to loud at her attempts to get at me.

"So what was that?" Santi was red with rage.

"It was nothing, she is an ex of mine, but she knows that I am with you and only you."

I could sense his jealousy, which kind of made me happy. She came back with our orders.

The rest of the night was quite, mostly because we had food in our but also because Santi had something on his mind he didn't know when to tell me.

I payed for the meal and made my way back to the car. I parked close to the hotel so that he didn't have to walk so much.

I made my way to apartment and got my keys. We got back in the car and made our way up to the room. We were on the top floor, seaside view.

"We are here," I had a presidential suit, me and my parents had bought it as a pack present. Seeing Santiagos face made my entire day. As soon as we opened the door, Santi lost it.

He dropped his bags and ran into the room, following him in, I placed our bags in the closet and went to see my boyfriend.

"I am speechless," he ran up to me and straddled me hips.

"Only the best for you." He got off me and ran to the closet.

"We are going to the beach babe, so get ready." I followed him into the closet and got changed with him, I loved anything that made Santi go shirtless, and vise versa.

He made us walk instead of use the car, for economic reasons.

"Santi what's on your mind, you haven't acted the same since we got to The Sirens."

We landed on the beach, the waves were soothing, the breeze was refreshing, and the sand was tranquil.

The moon light bounced off the water, casting a glimmering appearance.

He sat down in between my legs, "it's just I have to tell you something but I need you to not kill someone."

I held him closer as he spoke. "It's about what happened to me at the Conversion Camp."

I felt the pain, terror, and sadness all from those two words, I know I have to stay strong for his sack.

"Well, at first I never thought that I would tell anyone but then, I told Mar and Renee, so it was only fair I told the love of my life."

My heart skipped a beat, he called me the love of his life, something that only a couple of months ago would have never happened.

"When I got into that fight with you, I ran home crying, I could believe the person I was falling for was a werewolf. I got home and my parents had found out about us. I never knew my father could posses such hatred for a person until that night. He threw me, hurt me, and emotionally scared me. When I woke up I was on a plane to a Conversion camp. At the camp they tortured me, the put electrical currents threw my body while strapping me onto a chair with metal holders, and showed me porn. Every time guys would appear they would shock me. I wanted to die, I had nothing to look forward too, I had no idea how my parents would do some shit like this to there kid, but then I thought of you. It hurt me that I hurt you. I thought to myself, that you were good for me, but because of my religious beliefs I was too stupid to see you for you. I met this kid named Xavier which helped me throw it all. He had been there for years. He was a Phoenix, he taught me about the supernatural world, and about mates. He told me to stay strong and not let them get to me. The last session was the worst. They did the usual but this time they put a metal helmet and burning nails on my toes and fingers. I wanted nothing to but to get out, when I finally did, I wanted to see you. To apologize for the horrible shit I said to you, and now we are here. Together finally and I wouldn't  change a thing."

By the end of his proclamation he was balling in my arms while I was crying on his shoulder.

I tried to stay strong but I couldn't, my mate was in trouble and I wasn't there to protect him.

"But I know that with the Lord, you, and my friends I will make it." I kissed his head and picked him up.

I made my way back to the hotel room. This was enough for one night, he needed rest.

Once at the hotel room, I put us both in the bed, with him on top of me, and feel asleep.

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