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Santiago POV
"A la nanita nana nanita ella, nanita ella
Mi niña tiene sueño bendito sea, bendito sea...." I was started to sing when all of a sudden:

"A la nanita nana nanita ella, nanita ella
Mi niña tiene sueño bendito sea, bendito sea...."

Mani shows up, wrapping his arms around my waist as we sing.

"Fuentecita que corre clara y sonora
Ruiseñor que en la selva
Cantando y llora
Calla mientras la cuna se balancea
A la nanita nana nanita ella
A la nanita nana nanita ella
Nanita ella
Mi niña tiene sueño bendito
Sea, bendito sea
Fuentecita que corre clara y sonora
Ruiseñor que en la selva
Cantando y llora
Calla mientras la cuna se balancea
A la nanita nana nanita ella...."

"Again again papi, this time with dad singing it all with you."

"Yeah papi please?"



"No, it's time to go to bed." They all whine.

"Dad can you please tell papi to sing another song with you." Mani simply laughed. "No kids you heard your papi, time to go to bed.

Tucking in our kids into their beds, we kiss them good night and leave the room.

"Thank for helping me with them." He simply smiles, "anything for you Santi."

It's been a crazy eight years. It all started with our first child Lito.

[four years ago]

"Babe, Babe!" I run down the stairs like a crazy maniac. It's happening finally after four years of deciding whether or not we want children, it's happening.

Mani is in the middle of an important pack meeting, but I don't care, his son is about to be born.

"Babe, it's happening!"

He looks at me confused, "what is happening?"

I want to jump across the table and just smack the shit out if him for being so clueless.

"Our son is being born, and if you don't get your ass up now, we are going to miss it."

He immediately calls off the meeting and rushes towards me. "Okay, what are we waiting for let's go." I roll my eyes, and teleport to the hospital.

Once there I see the surrogate getting escorted to the hospital room. She was a she-wolf you dedicated her life for others. She was not the only one but she's the one we picked, see, she is a special type a wolf, she cannot pass her genetic DNA to her offspring which makes her unable to have children of her own, so she became a nurturer, which means she has children for other people, and in our case that's amazing.

An hour later they tell us to go in, and there we see it our first born child, Lito. He looks more like his father than he does me, but he has tan skin, hazel eyes, light brown hair, Mani's nose, and Mani's smile. I pick him up, feeling that maternal connection towards him.

He smiles at me, causing me to begin to cry. Mani comes behind me and puts his finger so that Lito can take it. Lito grabs it and placed it on his heart, which in turn cases both of us to cry with joy. We say thank you to the woman, and then do all the necessary steps to get our child.


Ever since that day we had a child every year, one after another. We have two boys and two girls, all beautiful and magnificent in their own way.

I make my way towards the bed room, changing into my pajamas, I climb into bed waiting for my husband.

Mani shows up with all our kids. "They said they were having nightmares." I motion for them to come on the bed. Lito curls up with Mani, Laura curls up with me, Diego sleeps on top of me, while Vanessa sleeps on top of Mani. I lean over slightly to kiss Mani.

"I love you Mani."

"I love you Santi."

With that we feel asleep.

Okay readers that's the end of The Sounds Of the Moon. I hope you guys enjoyed reading it because I, for sure, enjoyed writing it.

The second book of the series is being written at this moment.

Hope you enjoyed.......

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