Chapter two

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Santiago POV
"Indescribable, uncontainable,
You placed the stars in the sky and You know them by name
You are amazing God
All powerful, untameable,
Awestruck we fall to our knees as we humbly proclaim
You are amazing God
You are amazing God"

The lyrics poured out of me like angles from up above. I was always told that God had given me the gift of song so I always used it to my best ability.

It was currently Friday and I was at one of my favorite place in the world, my youth group, this is were I can be myself and not be contaminated by the worlds lies.

After youth group my friend, Carlos, and I went down to Cold Stone.

" Santi bro, Rachel hit it so good last night, I had her moaning all night." Carlos is such a perv, he is always telling me that I should have sex, but I always tell him that it was a sin against God.

"That's great, I am so excited for the finale football game of the season."

It was going to be the finale game of my high school career, but while it is an emotional time it is also an exciting time.

"I know I can't wait" Carlos replied with a smile.

Once we left the ice cream shop, I gave the employee a little wink and was off my way.

I have a girlfriend but that doesn't mean I can't be nice. Right?

As soon as I got home I went straight to my room and took a shower.

I don't know if it was the fact that I haven't seen my girlfriend in a while or the fact that the hot water was hitting me just right, but I was horny and nothing and no one is going to stop me from jerking off.

I felt the hot water hitting against my toned back, the droplets trailing down my abs and hitting the head of my dick.

I started to slowly tug at my erect penis, feeling a euphoric sensation. I thought about what I wanted to do to my girlfriend, just thinking about that big ass and the way her body curves when we make out. After 5 minutes I felt a sticky substance on the palms of my hands, I gave out a little moan just incase my parents were home, now that would be embarrassing.

After I was done showering I hoped out and put my boxers and went to sleep.

Monday Morning
" Bro, Are you ready for Friday, that's the big game" the football team yelled. We have all become like family.

" I........ I mean we are going to lead this team to victory."

As soon as practice was over I made my way to my car, I say the most beautiful girl leaning against my car waiting for me.

"Hey babe" I said placing a kiss on her lips, she smelled like PINK's warm and cozy.

"Hey my love, I missed you so much, I haven't seen you in so long where have you been" she said with a sad look on her face.

To be honest I just haven't had time to see her, with church, family, and football I was just packed. I don't know if I loved Maria but I know I like her a lot.

We have been together since junior year and we meet by my best friends girlfriend. Rachel and Maria are close friends and since I was single, Carlos told Rachel and Rachel told Maria.

After a couple of drinks and make out sessions we got together.

"Baby, can we go out after the game on Friday and maybe just maybe do other stuff" she said seductively.

If it wasn't for me being a catholic I would have sex with her every day.

"Okay babe, I got to go but I will text you at night" I said giving her one last kiss before I left.

Once home, I was in the kitchen smelling my mothers delicious food.

"Hi honey how was school today" my mother asked.

"It was ok, I mean its school, but practice was tough, coach made us run extra laps and do so many plays" I answered her.

"Well I hope you feel better mi niño, now call your father so we can eat."

I stepped into my fathers office, it was a smallish room, it was white with the black lining.

We lived in a really modern house, white and black with sleet colors and a square roof.

I loved living here it was way better than my other house.

"Hey papi, mom told me to call you so we can eat dinner."

"Okay my son I will be out in a minute" he responded.

He was a huge man, he was black, 6,1 and looks like he could just kill you with one look. If you you were wondering my mom is white and my dad is black, they met at a church retreat and have been together ever since.

After we said our prayers over the meal, we started to talk about everything from school, to college, to religion.

Once we finished eating I said goodnight to both of my parents and went to my room.

While I took a shower I texted Maria, she was so good to me and I would never do anything to hurt her and vise versa. After my shower I brushed my teeth and made my way to my bed.

I said my night prayer and asked God to please bless my week and the finale game in the season.

It was 12:00 pm, so I closed my eyes and went to sleeping knowing that this is going to be a great week.

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