Chapter twenty-two

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Santiago POV
I was in utter shock. I didn't know what to do, he was here. After a month of regret, he is finally here.

What do I say, what do I do? I made my way closer to him wanting to feel if warmth, but he simply backed away, I almost forgot, I rejected him, meaning he probably still thinks I will not love him.

"Hi Arimani." I had to break this suffocating silence.

"Hi Santiago," he told me in a raspy voice. He has gotten a lot bigger since I first met him.

His muscles were clearly defined, vain's popped out of his forearm, leaving me wanting more.

He had also gotten taller , he was 6,4 now, still towering over my 5,11.

Marcos brought us some lunch to lighten the mood. At the table Mani didn't speak, he would occasionally look in my direction, but would stop whenever I caught him.

Did I hurt him that bad that he wouldn't even want to talk to me? I need to fix this somehow, someway.

It was close to dusk, and we were all sitting on Dylan's patio. His house was amazing, I wonder why Marcos never told me anything.

The silence between Mani and I had become thick. I need to talk to him.

"Mani come with me," he simply got up and followed. We made our way towards the nearby beach.

Today it was windy and the waves were high causing them to sound like a symphony from God. I missed the fresh air, ever since that Conversion camp everything felt so precious.

We stopped in from to the waves before speaking,

"Mani I just want to say that I am sorry. I know I don't deserve you love or your forgiveness but hear me out. I have been throw a hell on earth the past month and all I could think about was you. The sparks I got whenever we touched, the way I felt so protected in your embrace, and yet I never felt at peace with what I did to you. It wasn't fair to judge you just because you are wolf. At the Conversion Camp I met a Phoenix named Xavier, he helped me understand your world and he made me see all my wrongs. I know you probably won't forgive me, but I just had to tell how I really felt. I love you Armani."

I walked away I proclaimed my love for him, but was taken aback by his reaction.

He grabbed my arm before I could get to far, I turned around to see his tearful eyes.

"Santi, you broke me. You hurt me like no one could, you grabbed my heart and stepped on it. The past month has been the hardest in my entire life. As soon as you left I became horribly sick. My skin was pale and all I could do was cry. I wanted you Santi, I needed you. I wanted you to be by my side and rule the Luna pack with me. I wanted us to get married and have children. I gave up so much to be with you Santi, and you threw it away in an instant."

I started to cry, I could believe I had done all those things to him. Even through all of this he still comforted me.

We were laying on the sand, I was in between his legs while the wind was blowing. He was holding me in his arms, not wanting to let me go.

"Even though you broke me in ways you couldn't image, I love you Santiago Angel Rodriguez Martinez, more than you will ever know."

I was tearing up at his proclamation. I turned around and gave him a much needed kiss.

This wasn't like our regular seductive kiss, this was filled with our passion.

He grabbed my waist, helping steading my weight. Our kiss was met with such passion, such need it was intoxicating.

We moved our lips to a perfect rhythm. He wanted access into my mouth, he needed it. He bit my lower lip, getting a moan from me. "Armani," he deeper the kiss.

"I love it when you say my name." We separated, I looked at his glowing green eyes, I finally knew this was because he was Alpha.

Right now his wolf is out and ready to mark me.

"Armani put your wolf away I want it to just be me and you." He smiled, "I will try but it is going to be hard."

After a minute of struggling his eyes went back to hazel. I kissed him again needing the warm and security they gave me.

"Santi, I have to say something before this goes any further."

I gave him a nod, and placed a kiss on his neck.

"I want to take this slow, you hurt me and I need to make sure you love me for the right reasons."

I was a bit frustrated at his inability to see I love him, but I understand where he is coming from.

I kissed him on the cheek before heading back to the house.

He followed me to the door, "I will see you tomorrow Mani." He leaned in for a kiss, but I backed away.

"Nice try, it was you who said you wanted to take it slow."

He laughed and smiled, "you know you are to smart for your own good." He gave me a kiss on the cheek, and left to his house.

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