Chapter eleven

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Santiago POV
It has been two days since I got that slap from Renee. I still had no idea what she meant when she said "you did this to him."

It was so confusing to me. What did I do to him that was so bad, all I did was tell him I am not gay, mind you not in the best way but I had to if he would continue to ruin my life and then who knows what would happen.

Lately everything has been upside down. Renee and Maria are apparently lesbians which would explain why they broke up with us, but still how come they dated us if the were lesbian, maybe they were bi.

All I knew was that it was weird. I couldn't take all this gayness, and so I had to get out.

It was winter which meant winter break was approaching, to be exact only two more days till the break and I could wait.

Christmas is my favorite holiday ever, not only because it is Jesus' birthday but because it is so festive.

The lights, the tree, the spirit was all just so inviting and I couldn't wait. This was the first year that my parent were going to be away, I was disheartened to hear the news but I knew it was important for them to spend it together.

They have been have marital problems and a little away time would be good for them.

[Two days later]
"Okay my son we will be back as soon as winter break ends okay," my mom placed a kiss upon my forehead. My dad gave a a hearty huge before looking at me with a straight face.

"Here are the rules, no parties, no girls into the house, no people over without our permission and no drinking while we are gone ok?"

He gave a stern look before softening up. I gave him a nod to acknowledge the fact that I understood his rules.

Both of them gave me one last hug before heading to the car and out in the rode. The only person that was staying with me this winter break was Marcos because his family dynamic is fucked.

I told him to come spend Christmas with me, he was ecstatic to hear the news and told me he would be coming first thing Monday morning.

Till then I had the house to myself. Then I thought of something Armani. I know I shouldn't be considering the fact that he is gay and trying to get into my pants, and also the fact that I completely told him off, but my mind kept wondering to him.

He looked so upset when I told him I wasn't into him like that, but it was true how am I supposed to love another man that is just wrong.

Either way it still hurt me to see him hurt and maybe the way told him off wasn't that great, maybe I should apologize, yeah that's what I am going to do apologize.

As a good Christian we must love our enemies as much as our friends.

I made my way to my room and quickly got changed. I was wearing a plain black long sleeve with my Nike track pants and some Moccasins.

I ran to my car and turned on the engine, making my way to my favorite spot.

Once there I saw no one. What was I thinking coming here without even telling him, but I had no way of contacting him.

I don't have his phone number, Snapchat, or Instagram. I made way back to my car when suddenly I heard a familiar voice, Armani.

It was almost like he sensed me waiting for him. He made his way up to me, he had his rugby hoodie with a pair of loose fitting grey sweatpants and hugs.

He looked tired and the scares on his face still were apparent. I made my way up to him to get a closer view. His skin was a bit pale probably from whatever happened to him, but his face was still beautiful.

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