Chapter eighteen

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Renee POV
It has been a tough two weeks, with Armani sick in bed, Maria giving him medication, and Gio and Tony giving moral support, the Luna pack has not been the same.

I made my way down to the kitchen were I saw Ms.Marino crying. It has been tough on her and her husband, all they wanted was for their son to be happy but I guess their wishes didn't come true.

"Hi Luna are you okay, do you need anything?" She gave me a sickly look.

"No Renee I will be fine, how is Armani doing?" I looked at her not wanting to make matters worse, but I couldn't lie to her.

"He is still sick, he has gotten a lot paler, but the night terrors have stopped," she was about to collapse at the news but luckily Alpha Marino came in just in time.

I left them alone so that they could talk about their son. I don't know but something seemed not right. I just couldn't put my finger on it.

   I was now at school, currently I was the only one out of the pack at school. I know that Armani is hurting but I am not giving up my education for him.

I was in lunch about to sit down when I saw a shadowy figure approach me. My initial instinct was to punch it but when I saw who it was I stopped. It was Marcos, he had the same sickly expression as Mrs. Marino, but composed himself better.

"Hey Renee," he spoke with such brokenness.

"Hey Marcos are you okay?" Did he know about us or was it something about Santi, I had no clue.

"Um in all honestly no," I felt him.

"Would you like to tell me what happened." He sat down and placed his tray on the table before looking at me.

"Well it's about Santiago," I nodded so he knew I was paying attention.

"About two weeks ago, Santi had been acting strange. He wasn't answering my calls or text, I tried asking Armani but he simply told me that they weren't talking anymore. I knew as soon as he said that, that it was about him. I got in my car and drove to his house but when I got there no one was home. I am just worried something happened."

He held such concern for his best friend, it was touching. The bell rang for the end of lunch, making all the students get up and hurry to their next class.

Before I left I told Marcos to meet me by the big willow tree, he agreed and was off. In class all I did was pretend to write notes.

Something didn't seem right, I know Santi rejected Armani, but he wouldn't just leave the town, would he? The final bell rang, meaning I had to go to the willow tree.

On my way there I spotted two jocks beating up this poor kid.

"Take that you little faggot, why don't you run off to your faggot boyfriend," the words spewed pure hatred and violence.

I ran up to the boy before starting at the jocks.

"What the fuck are you doing to this poor boy."

They looked at me and laughed. "We are teaching him how to be a man, what about  you lesbo."

They were right I was a lesbian and a fucking pissed off one at that.

"Yes I am you fucking dick suckers and if you don't leave this kid alone, I will show you what pure violence is," they simply laughed.

They kicked to boy away before grabbing me by my hair.

"Listen here bitch, no one tells us what to do, you hear me." He let go off my hair, but placed his hand on my neck.

"I am going to make you my bitch, and your going to like it," I had a face of pure shock, what the hell were they planning on doing to me.

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