Chapter six

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Armani POV

Confusion. That is all that my life has equated to. One moment you are the hot stud waiting for a beautiful mate to come into your life so that you could fulfill your role as future Alpha, but then, reality comes crashing down in you like a semi truck and your like Oh Shit.

Don't get me wrong I am extremely happy that I found my mate but just not the scenario.

I made my way downstairs where all eyes were on me. At first I started to panic because what if I have a huge zit and no one wants to tell me about it but again that would be a dum reason.

I knew the reason everyone is staring at me, it's because I have that new mate smell.

"You found your mate, I am so proud of you honey, now tell me when are going to get to meet her," my mother rejoiced, I loved seeing her so happy but if only she knew the truth.

"Well soon enough mom hopefully," she gave me a questioning look but went back to her normal pack duties.

The Luna pack is known to be one of the highest ranking packs in the world, not only are we vigilant, smart, and adaptable, but we are also the only pack the has a Luna as head of the pack.

Yes, the Alpha of the pack is in charge of mostly everything but the Luna has the same if not more responsibility, that's why have a strong female Luna is so important.

Today was Saturday which means only one thing, chilling. Both my beta and gamma left which means I have time to myself.

I quickly go up the stairs and sit on my desk and start to do the stupid homework all my teachers think I need.

I swear sometimes school can just be so unnecessary.

Once I finished my loads of homework I grabbed a pair of shorts and headed for the door.

I gave my mom a kiss and told my dad I will come back as soon as I can.

"Make sure you are safe out there, remember there are rouges on the loose and we don't need the future Alpha getting hurt," my dad told me and trust me he is not wrong.

We have been having multiple cases of rouge attacks on our lands, but with that into consideration I gave my dad one last hug and then I was off.

Once I was deep in the woods I took of the remainder of my clothes off and started to transform.

Bones cracking and braking trying to position themselves back into place so that my wolf can emerge.

It hurts a lot to have to go throw that process every time you transform but you get used to it.

Once fully in wolf form I began running. The feeling of the soil and the leaves underneath my paws, and the feeling of the wind tickling my black fur brings me a sense of bliss.

All of life's troubles just seem to vanish like the air. After about four hours of running I finally made it to my favorite spot in the whole world.

It was on top if a gushing waterfall. The view from the top just makes everything seem so small all of life's worries, all of our insecurities, all of our doubts just seem to come to flout away.

I was about to head toward the edge of the water when I heard a noise. I didn't know wether it was a threat or just some visitor coming to look at the amazing scenery.

I got into my fighting stance making sure I could see what was going on. I made my way closer to the noise and was stunned to see what it was. I saw a 5,11 brown head boy singing at the top of his lungs.

He had the most angelic voice I have ever heard it was even more beautiful then that of Apollo, and that says something, I got even closer to hear what he was singing....

"Spirit lead me where my trust is without borders
Let me walk upon the waters
Wherever you would call me
Take me deeper than my feet could ever wander
And my faith will be made stronger
In the presence of my savior......."

He sounded like the most beautiful creature on this earth and then it hit me, Santiago, I knew he could sing but shit I didn't know he was that good.

Not only that but my heart starts to become undone by he beauty. The way his skin glistens from the light of the moon to the way his hair curls into those prefect ringlets, it is getting hard to just not go up to him, but I knew I couldn't just do that now I had to wait.

So I shifted back into my human form and put on the pair of shorts I had with me, thank the gods for that, and made my way to the edge of the waterfall.

Santiago stopped singing as soon as he heard movement in the woods, and let's be honest who wouldn't, as I made my way towards him I could hear his breath become heavy and his heart start to skip a beat.

As soon as I got close enough to where he would see me I threw my hands in in defeat.

"Don't worry is not slender man trying  to kill you," he gave out a breath of relief and continued to look at me with inquire, astonishment, and a little lust.

"Sorry I didn't mean to scare you I just was walking to my favorite spot," I told him, he motioned for me to sit down and I did just that.

"I wasn't scared," he told me and I burst out laughing.

"No you weren't,  you were just taking in your surroundings," this caused him to smack my arm which in turn caused me to laugh even harder.

I heard him say a little "fuck you" but I pretended not to hear him.

"So how long have you been spying on me," he asked,

"Just for the past hour or so," I responded sarcastically. This made me obtain another punch in the arm which
I pretended that it hurt me a lot.

"So what brings you out here Santi," I asked him he gave me a questionable look but told me anyways.

"Well when I was really little my abuela used to bring me to have a picnic and talk, but when she passed away I came here so that I could remember her, the way we used to laugh, cry, play all those memories are here."

After his mini story I gave him a much needed hug. He tensed for a moment before he calmly hugged me back baring his face in between the neck and shoulder.

He stared to weep and I could sense the brokenness coming off of him. His abuela must have been an important figure in his life because he was greatly hurt by her passing.

After about twenty minutes the weeps stopped and he let go of me, my wolf was a saddened by the lack of contact but we knew we couldn't force anything.

"I......I.......I have to go," he stuttered and ran off.

I wanted to chase after him and tell him that everything is going to be okay?

I want to comfort him and tell him that as long as we have each other that everything was going to be alright but I knew that wasn't going to happen, so I got up transformed back into my wolf and made way back to the pack house.

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