Chapter twenty-five

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Santiago POV
I woke up in a daze. I didn't remember anything accept for passing out. To my left was an IV and to my right was a monitor checking my heart rate, blood pressure, and vitals.

"Your up," I looked at a tearful Armani sitting next to me.

"I am so sorry this happened to you, I should have been able to protect you, to help you, but I wasn't."

He put his head on my chest, while I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Listen baby shit happens, and sometimes you will be there and sometimes you won't, but through and through you will always be by my side and I will always be at your side. Whether that be in a fight or in the hospital."

He wiped his tears from his face before kissing my forehead. Then is when I noticed, were am I?

The walls were wooden, kind of like a home build a long time ago. The room looked older but had an earthy feel.

"Babe where am I." He smiled, "your at the Luna pack hospital."

Shit I was in his house while I looked like I got ran over by three buses and jumped off an airplane.

Armani noticed my sudden tension, he grabbed my hand in his, "it's okay baby, no one is here to hurt you, if you want I can take you back to Dylan's after they give you the all clear."

I shook my head, "no it's not that, it's just I look like shit and I wanted to make a good first impression on your pack."

He tried to hind the excitement that he had. I have never met Mani's parents, plus I want to know more about him.

The doctor came in and gave us the all clear. With that I got up slowly from the bed with Armani's help. I was still dizzy from the knock out this morning. We made our way to the living room where I saw Maria and Renee.

I hadn't seen them since me and Maria broke up.

"Hey Santi, how are you feeling, we heard you got hurt pretty bad."

I smiled at them, "I am feeling better, the doctors here really know how to work there magic."

They both laughed at my statement, "Santi I just wanted to say sorry, for what I probably put you through after our brake up."

I was shocked to hear Maria say that.

"It's okay Maria, you found your mate and all you were trying to do is please her emotionally, spiritually and physically. Of course I was sad but things worked out great, I have Armani and you have Renee. So don't worry about me, I am happy for you."

She ran up to me and gave a huge embrace. "Sorry," she backed away remembering all my injuries.

I said goodbye to both of them, but not before getting stopped by Tony and Gio. They were Armani best friends, I have physics with Gio but I used to have gym with Tony.

"Hey Santi are you feeling better?" I nodded my head in agreement, "yeah I feel better, not anything I can't take." Tony then spoke, "well it's a good thing your not no bitch, you took that guy on even if you are not a wolf."

He was right, for me to fight off a rouge without being a wolf was unheard of. I gave them a smile before walking out, I shook my ass on purpose to try to catch attention.

Gio and Tony both looked at me, I know there straight but I have a nice ass so it is expected for them to look. I could feel Armani getting jealous, but I knew he would, after all he doesn't want anyone going after me but him.

We made it outside, he walked me all the way to the waterfall.

"You remember this place." I haven't been here since I rejected Armani. The images of his sadness still haunted me.

"It's nice up here," he looked at me and I melted. With him all life troubles just seemed to disappear.

"Babe I want to know more about your world," he looked at me with a confused face.

"What do mean?" I smiled at him, "I mean you know so much more about me, I just wanted to know more about you, for example, your wolf."

He looked at me and sighed, "okay baby what do you want to know."

We sat down by the rocks with me in between his legs.

"I want to know about your world." He took a breath and began to speak.

"Well I have been a wolf since birth, when my parents met they were both one of the most powerful wolves. They got mated and had me on April 14, 1998. I was the first born male so I got the Alpha gene. An Alpha is basically the leader of the pack, the Beta is second in command, and the Gamma is third."

I nodded my head so that he knew I was paying attention.

"The Luna is the Alpha's mate, she or in your case he, leads the female wolves and controls orders made by the Alpha. A mate, is the soul mate of a wolf, it is picked by the Gods as soon as you are born, some people find theirs while others don't. Us wolves are bound to our mates, we feel there happiness, their sadness, their pain. Humans feel a less intense version but they still feel it."

This explained why at the camp I felt so bad, it was because Mani was hurting so I was hurting too.

"Typically rouges are known as wolves that get rejected by their pack for one reason or another. The wolves you encountered are known as The Red Blood Moon pack, they are a band of rouges that joined together, they used to be unstoppable, that's until The Luna pack came into power. That's why they hate us and will stop at nothing to destroy us. Now, the color of a wolves fur is determined by genes. Most of us are black, gray, brown, or silver. The rarest are golden and white, this is because golden wolves started to go extinct because they were known as the saviors. People feared their power so they got killed. White fur is the rarest, I have only know one person with white fur. I think that's all about it."

I turned around and kissed him. He was surprised but kissed me back. I loved that he told me all of this with such confidence, it made me feel special in a way.

"Thank you Mani, I just wanted to say that I am sorry, for the way I treated you when you told me. I should have loved you from the start then maybe you wouldn't have had to suffer."

I started to tear up, I felt so bad for putting him through all the pain and agony. He cupped my face and I leaned into his embrace.

"It okay babe, you didn't know." He picked up my face, "hey....look at me.... now we have each other and nothing and no one will separate us."

I kissed him one last time, "change." He looked at me confused.

"Change what my clothes?"

I shook my head, "no into your wolf." His face expressed pure shock, "I don't think so."

I gave him a hard look, "Mani I want to show you how much I actually love you, now change."

He stood up hesitantly, he took off his clothes reveling his large cock. Dam that boy was blessed with the best package in the world and so was I.

His bones started to brake and shape all over again. I got scared but he reassured me that it was part of the process. He finally shifted.

He was a large wolf, his fur was raven black, he had a scar on his face probably due to all the fights he had gotten into.

He backed away from me a little not knowing what I would do. I got on sat down and signaled for him to come over next to me.

He was hesitant due to the fact that the last time I saw him like this he got rejected. He laid next to me and put his head on my lap.

He was gorgeous, his fur glistened in the sunset. His wolf eyes were sea foam green, and we was so soft. I started to run my fingers through his fur causing him to pur.

"I love you Mani, no matter what comes our way I will always be by your side." I laid on his body while we watched the sunset. I could stay like this for the rest of my life.

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