Chapter thirteen

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Santiago POV
"I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Where the treetops glisten and children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Where the treetops glisten and children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow," was playing lightly in the background while Marcos and I finished setting up the house.

The past week has been hectic, first of all both me and Marcos had to go Christmas shopping for our entire family plus friends.

The lines, the fights, it is just all so much. We agreed not to tell each what we got for one another because we wanted it to be a surprise.

We had finally finished the Christmas feast, mangu, ham, salad, etc. we had everything set up elegantly on the dinner table.

The table placements were red and green and at the center of the table was a mini nativity. Although this is my first Christmas without my parents I still wanted it to be special.

It was just me and Marcos at my house. After we ate our festive meal, we got changed into our onesies and made our way downstairs to enjoy the rest of our Christmas Eve.

Music, dancing, eggnog, reruns, it was like a dream come true. Although my parents weren't here it still has to be one of the best Christmas I have had in a while, and honestly I wouldn't mind not having my parents around.

We where watching my favorite movie, "How the Grinch Stole Christmas," when we heard a knock at the door. It was about 10:00 pm, so I wondered who could be at the door.

I made my way to open it, but when I did I was shocked to see who it was. I have never seen this man before in my life, he was around 6,2 with wavy black hair, sea foam green eyes, and a smile that could kill you.

He had a very muscular build, kind of like Armani but less.

"Hello is this the Rodriguez residence," he spoke and I was mesmerized, shit who is this dude he has such a soothing voice.

"Hmmmmm yes it is, who is asking," he gave me a quick smile before he spoke again.

"My name is Dylan, I was informed that Marcos was living here for winter break and I just came to see him."

I was kind of stunned, bewildered, and delighted that my best friend met this man but when, and when was he going to tell me.

I told Dylan to hold up so I could fetch Marcos, he waited patiently at the door. Not even a minute later Marcos shows up and the smile on Dylan's face couldn't be more apparent.

I left them alone so they could talk, I didn't want to get in between their little love fest.

Five minutes later Marcos came running towards me asking if Dylan can stay till Christmas.

I was thinking about what my parents said not bringing anyone to the house but they won't know it's Marcos boyfriend, hell they don't even know about Armani and I.

I told him yes and that tell Dylan to get changed into something comfortable, not too comfortable. Marcos gave me a huge hug before running to Dylan and letting him in.

I was all by myself just thinking about Armani. Why couldn't he just be here like Dylan, but then I reminded myself it was wrong to like another man, it was a sin and sin are for those who don't want to inherit the kingdom of heaven, but still I couldn't get him out of my head, it was like he had permanently placed himself there and there was nothing I could do about it.

After about 30 minutes both Dylan and Marcos showed up.

Dylan was wearing a plain white tee with plaid sleepwear joggers, while Marcos was still wearing his onesie.

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