otp ; qianru

43 2 11

; lazy to put ages alrdy so the age is up to y'all to decide

holding up her phone, qian grinned behind the glowing screen. her otp was becoming true, and she was loving every single moment of it. 

"oi, assikawa, don't give me those shitty half-ass serves of yours," iwaizumi said, folding his arms, "i can tell you're not putting your best at this today."

"gomen, iwa-chan," oikawa said.

oikawa's girlfriend broke up with him recently, and he has been feeling down ever since. so, being a very nice friend, qian decided to bring them together (even though she had a crush on oikawa).

"now kiss!" qian whispered as she began zooming the camera up on their faces, "my gay kids please kiss please kiss please kiss..."

iwaizumi heard her incessant chanting and turned his head and said, "oi, qian, the hell are you doing over there?"

"uh uh uh..." qian said, trying to hide the fact she was filming the two, "i was taking a selfie!"

she raised the phone up to take a selfie of herself then grinned and said, "see? i'm taking selfies of myself! don't i look great today?"

she striked a pose and iwaizumi rolled his eyes.

"keep your phone," he said, "and iwaoi or whatever shit ship name you gave us is not happening."

"you may never know, iwa-chan," qian said, skipping away.


oikawa slung his bag over his shoulder. practice was over, and this time it was his turn to lock the place up.

upon approaching him, qian felt a depressive dark aura around him.

"hey oiks," she said, "why are you so down today? is it because your boyfriend isn't here to accompany you home?"

oikawa shot her a death glare and she jumped. she had never seen him this angry before.

"hey," she said, adopting a lighter tone, "what's wrong?"

oikawa didn't know where to begin. his girlfriend dumped him because she felt he was too addicted to volleyball when he finally realised he didn't even love her in the first place, and his current crush is shipping him with his best friend.

"it's... it's complicated," he said finally, "now that my girlfriend dumped me, you're shipping me with iwa-chan when i don't like him because i like you—"

he stopped in mid-sentence and blushed bright red, realising what he just said.

"shit, qian, i—" he began, very nervous at what she might say to him net.

"no!" qian said, "you must me gay for iwa-chan!"

she shook him as she continued rambling on, "you guys belong together! iwaoi is otp!"

he broke out of her grasp and held her firmly by her shoulders and said, "qian. look at me."

she looked straight at him in the eye.

"yes...?" she said.

"do i look gay to you?" he asked with a deadly straight face.

"yes! for hajime!" qian said.

oikawa groaned as he let go of her.

"you'll come to terms with your love for him, you'll see!" she said, before running off, "i gotta go now! ja!"

but i've already come to terms of my love, oikawa thought.

that is, my love for you.

word count: 492
date published: 070317

a/n: holy shit my piano diploma's tomorrow and i'm half dead

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