mistakes ; yurissa

38 2 7

creds to: qian + shanz

it was a well-known fact that yuri katsuki's coach was viktor nikiforov himself, the famous russian figure skater. everyone expected him to win the grand prix final that year. however, he lost to yuri plisetsky, the uprising star of russia. ever since then, everyone added more pressure to him, saying he must win the following year, making yuri stressed, determined, but most importantly, depressed.

he tried to hide the fact that he was depressed by faking a smile to everyone. although he was doing his best to hide the emotions deep within him, tea could see through his acting. he was depressed, all right. maybe too depressed.

it was then she decided to do some talking to him.


yuri was cooking katsudon back home, thinking about everything that he had been through so far. he was even contemplating to retire from figure skating so that the pressure could be lifted off his shoulders.

"konichiwa, katsuki-san," tea said as she stepped into the katsuki residence to see yuri's mother, "is yuri home?"

"hai hai, he's in the kitchen," she said.

"domo," tea said before heading off to the kitchen.

(t: domo = thank you ,, creds to noragami)

yuri's back was facing her when she entered.

"hey," tea said, "yuri?"

no response.

"look, i know it's tough, everyone's giving you high expectations," she said slowly, "and this isn't the highest point of your life right now, but..."

she stepped forward and placed a hand on his shoulder, before saying, "i'm here for—"

she stopped in mid-sentence, before looking down at her stomach slowly. there was a knife stabbed through her abdomen, staining her shirt a crimson red.

she glanced back up to face yuri's shadowed face, his eyes showing no compassion.

"y-yuri?" she choked, before tumbling to the ground.

yuri stood over her, tall and domineering.

"yuri... no matter what happens... i just want to tell you..." she whispered hoarsely, "i... love... you..."

she forced a smile before her eyes closed slowly.

suddenly, yuri's eyes widened, as if snapping out of a trance. tears began dripping from his face and onto the floor. a knife was protruding out of tea's now dead body. glancing down at his hands, his eyes widened even more. his hands were bloodstained, which could only mean one thing.

he had stabbed her. to death.

he dropped to his knees, tears staining his face.

"i'm sorry! i'm sorry! i didn't mean to!" he cried out, "i'm sorry..."

he could say sorry for however long he wanted, but it wasn't going to bring her back to life.

word count: 410
published on: 1601317

a/n: when you end up writing a oneshot when you're supposed to be doing group work (but qian and shanz approved so)

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