saviour ; tadarah (pt. 1)

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(yes the title's kinda stupid but it only applies to part two, kind of)

yamaguchi: 15, sarah: 14

yamaguchi and sarah walked along the snow-covered pavement. snowflakes brushed past their faces, like hands caressing one's face.

sarah buried her chin into her scarf, not knowing what to say. she was the one that normally did the talking, and some topics would be repeated. she was even beginning to think she was boring.

"dou shita no?" yamaguchi asked softly, throwing a glance at her way.

"nandemunai," sarah said, shaking her head.

("nandemunai" means "nothing")

"then why are you so quiet today?" he asked.

"i just... don't have anything to talk about, that's all," she said.

he gave a warm smile and said, "you can talk about stuff that you've talked about before!"

"don't you think i'm boring?" she asked.

yamaguchi shook his head and said, "i don't think you're boring. and besides, i don't like the atmosphere to be to quiet either."

"alright then," sarah said, proceeding to cross the road as the green man was on with him following behind her, "well, season two of attack on titan is releasing this saturday. and qq spoilt part of it for me. like i know reiner and erwin are both gonna die, and—"

"sarah! watch out!" he screamed as he leapt forward to reach her.

word count: 192
published on: 280317

a/n: posting part 2 later since i gotta practice my piano now lmao ,, also there's gonna be three different endings so i guess it's a choose your own ending kind of story ??

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