end ; character x reader

13 2 4

; pianist! character x violinist! reader

both of you were musicians. he was a pianist, and you were a violinist. he was definitely one of the best pianists in your school, and you were proud to be his girlfriend.

how you met was pretty cliché. he left his book in one of the music rooms, which was coincidentally the room you were using then to practice. he opened the door and stopped dead in his tracks and interlocked eyes with you, who stopped playing the moment the door opened.

you two would meet often to play some duets together and laughing about how "bad" you guys sounded. you would say that you went out of time, and he would laugh that he was not really in sync with you.

both of you became an item a few weeks after. it was him who confessed, and you accepted his proposal of being his girlfriend.

it was about a month into the relationship when you felt your realtionship was not exactly "official". no one knew about your relationship, even your parents. and he was still getting some confessions from hopeful girls your age. you were beginning to worry.

you decided to ask him about it when you met up with him in the same recital studio.

"hey, [c/n]?" you said, earning a hum from him in response, "shouldn't we make our relationship official? i mean, no one knows about it, and girl still confess to you. shouldn't we tell our parents at the very least?"

he looked up at you and said, "[f/n], i don't really want our relationship to be known."

you widened your eyes.

he didn't want the relationship to be official?

so did he want girls to confess to him? to make you jealous? or something else?

blinking back furious tears, you grabbed your scores and exited out of the room.

you could say your relationship was over right there and then.

the next day, he texted you to meet up at the same recital room you guys always met up. of course, you never turned up, because what was it for? to salvage a relationship that he never wanted to be made known?

for the next five days, he kept calling you but you never picked up his call. finally, your mother asked you to please pick up the call, and you did.

"hey, what's up?" you said asyou leaned back in the couch, your voice bland and cold.

"look, i'm sorry," he said in the sort of voice that you knew he was choking back his tears, "i don't want to lose you!"

"why should i?" you answered, a little too harshly, "you didn't want to let other people know we were dating."

i-i just wasn't ready, please give me another chance!" he begged from the other end.

"our relationship ended the moment you said you didn't want it to be public," you said, and hung up.

word count ; 487
date published ; 260417

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