light ; v x reader

37 3 2

dedicated to: trashicorn

jihyun has been living in a clouded world ever since rika scarred his eyes. everything seems blurry and hazy, and nothing is clear. every day seems to get darker, and everything seems to fade away even more. but that's alright. he has [f/n] by his side. and she fills up the void in his life.

however, one day, everything disappeared from view. his world was in darkness, and he couldn't see a thing.

not even his beloved [f/n].

"[f/n]...?" he whispered as the doctor's door swung open.

"everything's going to be okay," she said in soothing tones, "i'm here for you."

"no, it's not!" he yelled, "i can't see anymore! and i can't see you anymore! and you'd have to take care of me for the rest of my life!"

"hey," she said, "it's fine. i'm okay with that. if i have to care for you for the rest of my life, then so be it. you can depend on me. trust me."

she held him in her arms and she rubbed soothing circles on his back.

though his world was forever going to be in the labyrinth of darkness, he did have some light ahead of him.

and that light was her.

[f/n] [l/n].

word count: 195
date published: 170317

a/n: hey i know it's two days early but ! happy birthday in advance shanz ! thx for dealing with me for two terms as my table buddy last year and a ace buddy !! i'm sorry i can't celebrate your bday with you but hey there's always monday which we can do a belated bday celebration ! #trashfam2k17 #emosupportsquad #yurissa2k17 mum xx

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