here for you ; kimshi

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kimberly took in deep breaths. there is absolutely nothing to be afraid of, and they were going to get out of it soon.

but nope. as part of their camp activities, they will were currently in a cave stimulator, and they were crawling through narrow passages with lighted ends when there was a need to go up or down.

"a-are we nearing the exit yet?" she asked nervously as she crawled behind sugawara, who was behind daichi and zan.

"i don't think so," he answered, "but don't worry, we will soon."

she closed her eyes and bit her lip. tears began to fall down her eyes as she continued crawling, but then she had to stop and start clearing them away. the rest heard her sobs and immediately stopped in their tracks.

"are you okay?" sugawara asked, not able to turn around to give her a reassuring squeeze on the shoulder or a hug.

"y-yeah," she said inbetween sobs, "i just..."

"kimberly, it's fine," zan said, "we can wait for you, and remember there's a teacher watching us through the cctv cameras? he or she can guide us."

she wiped her tears away and said, "w-we can continue now."

after crawling for a few moments, daichi said, "we need to go down a few steps now guys. be careful."

he stepped down the few steps carefully into a ball pit and held zan's hand as she did so, and sugar went down after her. when it was kimberly's turn, he held her hand. once they were out of sight of the cameras, he gave her a hug and said, "don't worry, i'll be here for you."

word count ; 270

date published ; 240517

a/n ; camp was fun esp the zipline but my grouping was horrible like they said it was for "bonding sessions" and they grouped us up randomly with other ppl from other classes and i have like vvvvvvv little friends from other classes ,, which doesn't make any sense at all ?? how am i supposed to bond with ppl i don't even know ?? uugggh and my team was kinda horrible anyway ,, i'm glad it's over ^-^

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