Chapter 1:

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Go read the book Existing first ‼️



"Thank you so much for doing these last minute." The lady of the swimsuit line I was shooting for said as I was setting up.

"No problem." I said.

Over the past year and a half I've been expanding my business. I got a better and different types of lenses for my camera. I have an official website. I'm always making sure I'm update to date with everything my business Instagram, the website, my business cards, advertisement, my MacBook and editing software, special deals during like holidays. I've just simple been on it taking my new career seriously.

The photographer the lady did have canceled on her the last second. And since I didn't have anything planned today I figured why not get this coin.

"I like this scenery you choose. I definitely have some dope ideas in mind." I said since we are at a location with a pool and a jacuzzi.

"Good, good." She said obviously excited.

After leaving the shoot I went to pick up Mya from daycare. My baby girl is now 3. I was a little worried about putting her in daycare, but I still wanted her to have other little kid interaction. Luckily Cierra loved Noah's old daycare which Micah now also goes too and I now I love it too.

She only goes a few days a week and I try to let her stay a full day, but every once in awhile I pick her up in the middle of the day like today.

"She just finished lunch." Her teacher said letting me into the toddler area.

"Hey mommy!" She said running over hugging me.

"Hey love." I said fixing a piece of hair of one of her ponytails. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah." She said.

After leaving there I decided to go see Cierra at work.

"Cici!" Mya yelled as soon as we walked through the building entrance.

"Shhh you too loud mama. We gotta go to her office." I said.

"Hi, pretty girl." One of the front desk ladies said smiling at Mya.

"Say hi." I said smiling and Mya gave her a small wave knowing her little ass ain't shy.

"Cierra in her office?" I ask the lady.

"Yup, go ahead on back." She said.

"Get off that cell phone." I said entering her office.

My best friend is the business administrator of marketing for this company. She finished college, got her degree, and got a job she loves in her field.

"Girl bye, my cell phone is a part of my job. Hi my baby." She said picking up Mya putting her in her lap. "Ya mommy just won't let you spend the whole day at daycare, huh?"

"Yes, she does. And you one to talk I didn't see Micah in there today." I said.

"Oh yeah, he with Mike."

"Call Mike please, Cici." Mya said holding up Cierra's phone.

"Girl." Cierra said.

"Please." Mya said hugging her. I laughed when Cierra rolled her eyes.

"Fine, Mya." Cierra said.

"Look how little our babies were." I said looking at the pictures Cierra had near her desk. She had these old photo booth pictures of me, her, Noah and Mya. "Mya was only a few months old in those."

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