Chapter 24:

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"Come on y'all." I called to the boys.

It's Friday evening and we are getting ready to drop Carter back with his mom. Then we're dropping Noah and Micah with Mike's mom since she wants them for the weekend which works out since Mike has to go check the progress of a house and I'm going to Tink's to talk wedding stuff.

"Come on, y'all dad already went outside to the car." I said grabbing Micah and Noah's overnight bag I packed.

"No, Micah, move!" I heard Noah shout as I was locking the front door making me roll my eyes.

"What's the problem?" I ask walking up to the car.

"But mommy I don't wanna sit in the car seat." Micah said.

"Micah, get ya ass in that car seat." Mike said quickly solving that situation before I even had to say anything.

"But daddy," He whined, but moved to get into it.

"You sexy when you're in control." I said to Mike.

"Don't hype me, girl." He said smirking over at me as he held one hand on the steering wheel backing out of our driveway.

"Ci', can you make those cupcakes again when I come back?" Carter asked.

"Yeah. Ohh man we got some left too. We could sent them home with for him, his sister, and brother."

"Aw yeah. Next time for sure." Mike said.

"He just automatically ask you anything food related. I can't cook is that what you trying to say, Carter?" Mike asked.

"You can't." Carter said chuckling.

"Wow." Mike said.

"Daddy, you can't." Noah said.

"Wowww. Micah, you think daddy can cook right?" Mike asks turning around when we stopped at a red light.

"No mommy do." Micah said.

I laughed shrugging when Mike looked at me acting surprised.

"All y'all niggas some suckas." Mike said.

"All you niggas!" Micah shouted.

I popped Mike's arm when he laughed.

"Don't say that, Micah." Mike said still laughing making me roll my eyes.

After dropping off Micah and Noah to Mike's mom we headed to drop Carter off next.

His grandma and younger siblings were on the porch. They ran down as we were parking.

"What's up?" Mike said speaking to them when he got out then waved to their grandma.

"I'ma walk them to the store. You coming or you wanna stay here?" Mike came to the car asking.

"I'll come." I said since I wanna get something too.

"Hi." Carter's little sister Rylee said in her small voice waving at me.

"Hi pretty girl." I said smiling back at her.

Mike got these kids spoiled with store runs. Every time they're outside with their grandma and we pull up they ask to go to the store. He'll either give them $10 so the grandma can take them to the store or he'll take them himself.

I got me a honey bun and four beef sticks. I texted Tink to see if she wanted something since I'm going there next.

"Can I get these for my mommy?" Rylee came over holding a bag of chips asking Mike.

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