Chapter 15:

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"What the fuck?" I said screeching to a sudden stop seeing my best friend laid out and this bitch ass nigga trying to put a screaming Mya in his car.

I threw my car in park reaching into my purse before hopping out the car.

I tapped his shoulder making him let Mya go and turn around and I tased him right in his neck and when he went down I put my shoe right into his face.

I grabbed Mya putting her back into her car seat then getting Tink up and into her car while trying to wake her up.

I decided to take her to the hospital in case she has a concussion or something since I don't know what all he did to her. Halfway to the hospital she woke up and was complaining of nausea, dizziness, and a horrible headache.

I called both Mike and Deandre on the way.

Once we got to the emergency room after getting Tink signed in it didn't take long since how she was feeling they wanted to get her back and start running test since she was hit so close to her temple.

I went outside with Mya quick since she was crying so loud and we weren't gonna be with her during the tests anyway.

"I don't want the mean man to be my daddy! He hurt my mommy!" She yelled crying when I got us back into the car.

"Mya calm down and listen to godmommy."

"I want Deandre to be my daddy." She said crying even louder.

"Hey, mama, listen." I said lifting her chin to look at me. "The one who cares and loves you is your daddy. And who's been doing that besides your goddaddy, Deandre right?" She nodded rubbing her eyes sniffling.

"I want my mommy." She whined before she started full on crying again.

"Okay, we are gonna go back in with her in a minute." I said letting her rest on my shoulder calling Ms. Angie now.


"Yeah, this is turning out dope." Jigz said as we walked into the house we are working on flipping.

"I want this fireplace built higher tho I gotta let them know." I said since that's probably the only thing that stuck out so far everything else was exactly how we wanted it.

"See I told you these counter tops would look right. Stop doubting a nigga bruh." Jigz said as we walked into the kitchen.

"You finally got something right nigga." I said

"What's up, babe?" I said answering the phone as we were leaving the house.

"What!?.... I'm on my way there." I said after she told me all that happened.

"What happen?" Jigz asked.

I told him before speeding all the way to Tink's house, but once I got there this pussy and his car was gone.

I picked up Tink's phone. Then I used the spare key to Cierra's car to move it from blocking half the road. Then I put Tink's phone in Cierra's bag then put it in her trunk.

I pulled out my phone calling Cole as I got back into my car heading to the hospital.

"I want a location on that nigga Quan now." I said when he answered the phone.


I rushed into the hospital about to ask for Tink when Cierra called me over.

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