Chapter 14:

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"Okay, come on I'm ready." She said gesturing for me to continue.

"Okay yeah, so..."

"Bitch, don't play. Come on." Cierra said.

"Okay." I said laughing. "So the day before yesterday..."

I was just pulling up back into the driveway after picking up Mya from daycare and taking her to Ms. Angie's since she asked for her for the night. After turning the car off I sat in the car scrolling through my phone.

I locked my phone grabbing my keys opening the door and I gasped when the door smacked into the side of Deandre's car making me realize I parked too close to him.

After moving my car I got out checking hoping it didn't hit too hard to leave anything, but it did.

After bullshitting I finally talked myself into going to tell Deandre.

He was in the kitchen peeling a orange.

"What?" He asked confused when I stood in the kitchen doorway not saying anything.

"Um, I have to tell you something." I said playing with my nails feeling like a big ass kid.

"What the hell did you do?" He asked.

"Um, I might have accidentally parked a little too close to your car and hit it with my door causing a small mark." I said slowly.

He stared at me for a minute before walking past me and outside.

"Damn, Tink. What the fuck?" He said running his hand across it.

"I'm really sorry." I said knowing how much a man's car can mean to him. Shit I think most people are like that with their cars.

"And your car don't even got a fuckin mark on it. Wow." He said nodding.

"See that's your fuckin problem. You don't pay attention. Always worried about your stupid ass phone." That was true in this situation so I didn't even bother saying anything back.

"Damn, babe, really?" He said again looking at it.

"Well at least he still calls you babe when he's mad." Cierra said. "That's a nice version of him mad at you compared to some arguments me and Mike done had."

"Girl I was like you you still love me right? He was like yeah straight face no emotion, but you could tell he was pissed."

He called whoever to see if he could bring his car in today and when they said yeah he left. So I was being extra trying to figure out ways to get him back on my good side and I figured I'd make one of his favorite meals since he asked for it yesterday, but it was late when we got home and I was being lazy.

So I made spaghetti with New York Texas Toast the one with the cheese. I made his plate even sat a beer out with it.

"And guess what he did when he seen it?" I asked Cierra.

"Ate it or you'd stab him I hope." She said making me laugh.

"Yeah, he ate it. After he laughed at me."

"What's funny?" I ask getting a attitude.

"You're overreacting acting like I'ma leave you or something. You stuck with me babe, I told you even when we piss each other off." He said.

"He loves to laugh at me when he notices something. Like I remember back when I was 14 I was a lazy shaver because you know that shit grew back in 5 minutes and I remember him and his friend talking about how they liked girls down there and he said no hair so I started keeping up with it more and he laughed when he noticed it even tho he never complained about my stubble. Thank goodness for waxing and when I finally got the nerve to get my first one because that shit was annoy-"

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