Chapter 17:

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"Mike somebody calling ya phone." I said picking it up seeing it was an unsaved number.

I answered it even tho he didn't reply.

"Who's this? Where's Mike?" A female voice asked.

"No, who the hell is this?" I ask giving her the same tone right back.

"Man, I don't got time for no fuckin games just tell him to call me back so we can discuss the times he is gonna have his son since he said he wants 50/50." And then she hangs up.

"Who was it?" He asked coming back into our room.

"Some crazy bitch that thinks she has a son by you. Please tell me this bitch is crazy." I say trying to hold my composure.

He stared at me for a few seconds before saying, "I was gonna tell you." And his phone flew out of my hand aimed right at his head, but he put his hand up to block it.

"Cierra let me explain." He said as I got up from the bed getting dressed.

"Don't touch me." I said pushing his hands away from me.


"Did you cheat on me? Yes or no?" I ask.

"No, not after the first time when I was young and dumb I swear to you." He looked at me with begging eyes.

I felt like all the pain ten years ago was rushing all back to me.

My man. My husband. Has another son. Not by me.

"So what? He's nine? The same age as Noah?" I ask doing the math in my head since they should be only a few months apart. "So what you've just been hiding him?"

"Yeah, he's nine and no, I just recently found out about him."

"How recent?"

"A couple months."

"A couple month!?" I snap pushing him.

"I wanted to get a DNA test first to see if he was even mine before telling you. Then your birthday was coming up and I didn't wanna ruin it."

"Get the fuck out, Mike." I said calmly.

"Cierra, please." He said now begging.

"Get out!" I shouted opening all his drawers throwing his clothes out.



"What am I going to do? How am I gonna explain that to my kids. Oh you have another brother, but not by mommy. He's just daddy's." Cierra said speaking with me while we sat in my car.

I sighed honestly not knowing how to properly take all this in.

"Why the fuck didn't you let me stab him?" She asks me.

"I honestly thought about it for a split second, but I wasn't gonna let you do that."

"Y'all are my couple goals." I said still not believing this. I'm hurt for my best friend. I'm hurt for what this can potentially do to their relationship hopefully nothing permanently negative. Damn. I know ever real couple goes through things. But this? Them? I would have never guessed.

"Ugh, I feel like a sappy punk bitch doing all this crying. This isn't even me." Cierra said starting to cry again. I sighed pulling her over to me wrapping my arms around her. She's usually my shoulder to cry on and now I'ma be hers.

"Why you didn't wake me up? I wanted to get in the shower with you." Deandre said when I came back into our room in only a towel.

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