Chapter 25:

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"Mya, hand me Tate's blanket over there." I said as I was finishing up changing his diaper.

"This girl." I mumbled when she didn't move from the game she was playing on her iPad.

I took one of the small couch pillows gently hitting her with it.

"What?" She asked coming over to me wrapping her arms around my arm resting her chin on my shoulder.

"I'ma bust you in the head that's what." I said moving to grab Tate's blanket myself.

"No you not." She said kissing my cheek.

"Boy, why you always gotta have your hands on my boobs? You ain't even hungry and when you are you are getting a bottle fat boy." I said to Tate kissing his cheeks up.

"Mommy, can you play the Wii with me?" Mya asked.

"Yeah, as soon as daddy's off the phone we'll play." I said rubbing my hand through her hair.

"Yo y'all starting to piss me off and I'm honestly trying not to go off on y'all employees because I know it's not y'all fault specifically, but I'm tired of y'all playing pass the fuckin buck. You the third representative I done been transferred to because people don't wanna do their damn jobs." Deandre snapped into phone talking to our cable company.

Our cable and wifi randomly went off saying payment is past due go online or call to make a payment. So Deandre checks our account and it says we owe a little over $500 which is basically two months behind and me and Deandre don't play about late bills so it's obviously a mistake on their part.

"For the third time my name is Deandre Anderson and I'm calling because my cable is off when I done paid y'all." I shook my head. I'm glad I got him to deal with shit like this.

While he's going back and forth with them I'm over here lowkey mad I missed a perfect opportunity for sex. Yes, I want sex.

I was putting Mya and Tate both down for naps when the cable went out which lead to Deandre being on the phone for 40 minutes so far.

Then Tate's ass woke up screaming after 30 minutes, which lead to Mya waking up.

Which then lead to no sex!

I just hope he knows I'ma jump his bones tonight.

"I'm not paying y'all shit when I already did. Y'all company already overpriced like fuck, but I still pay y'all every month on time. If I gotta get bank statements printed out and come up there in person y'all really ain't gonna like me."

"I hope you know I'ma jump your bones." I said walking past Deandre where he stood in the kitchen entrance once he was put on hold.

"If I don't jump yours first." He said slapping my butt.

"Fat boy, why you don't wanna be in your swing?" I asked when I heard Tate start whining.

"Okay, I'm coming. I'm coming." I said closing the deep freezer.

"I got him." Deandre said going to get him.

"Don't be snapping in my baby ear now." I said since he was still on hold and would be talking again soon.

I put some boneless chicken in the sink, washed my hands in the other part, then went into the pantry looking for a snack.

"Mommy, I want some gold fish." Mya said coming into the pantry with a little baggy pointing to them.

I got them down and gave her some then sat next to Deandre eating some of them from the bag.

"Get out my baby girl stuff." Deandre said snatching the bag away from me.

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