Chapter 28:

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EPILOGUE 7 years later - Part I


I got into my car placing my purse in the passengers seat. I am just now leaving work for the day.

I am still actively using my degree as a business administrator in marketing. I am still at the same company luckily I've had no real problems with them and I have even since earned a few pay raises since I've been here for so long.

My phone rung as I started my car.

"What's up, Carter?" I answered.

"Ma, where you at? Can you come pick me up?"

Carter and Noah are both now 17. I'm 34 and a mom of high schoolers. Lawd.

"Where you at?" I asked.

"School still. Football practice was cancelled. I called dad, but he said it's gonna be awhile and either wait or call you."

"Aight, I'm on my way." I said. "I'm stopping at the grocery store for couple things so you gotta come with me."

"Okay." He said.

Since Carter has came into our life things have been smooth for the most part. Mike still has joint custody with Carter's mom. Since he's old enough now, and has been for the past few years, he chooses where and how long he wants to stay at the time instead of the original set up.

Also over the past few year he has started calling me Ma, which I'm perfectly fine with.

Once I pulled up outside the high school Carter was talking to some girl.

"Come on, Carter." I said through my rolled down window.

"Oh, well bye. Tell Noah to call me." She said.

Carter shrugged and said, "Aight."

"Who's that? Why she want Noah to call her?" I asked.

He laughed and said, "Ma, we are 17."

"And?" I asked and he just laughed again. "I'm serious."

"I'ma text Noah and tell him you acting crazy." Carter said.

"No don't text him call him on FaceTime I wanna ask him."

"What the fuck you want, nigga?" Noah said as soon as he answered.

"Wha- so that's how y'all talk to each other?" I asked.

They both laughed. "Dang, you couldn't warned me. My bad mom. You know I love you."

"Mhmm." I said.

"She over here tripping because she heard Nikki say tell Noah to call me."

He laughed, "I gotta tell you something about that actually."

"What? Let me know." I said turning the phone towards me.

"Ma, focus on the road." Carter said chuckling moving the phone.

"Wow. So y'all can't tell y'all parents stuff?"

"We do. Usually dad depending since you can sometimes go over kill." Noah said.

"Wooowww." I said nodding. "Okay, I see."

"Micah, why is that game so loud?" I asked as soon as we walked into the house.

"How you know it was me?" Micah asked coming out the game room towards the living room.

"Because you do it everyday." Carter said.

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