Chapter 22:

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"Mom, why pregnant women be acting like brats sometimes?" I asked her over the phone.

"What did you do?" My mom asks.

"How you gonna ask me what I do?" I ask lowkey offended.

"I know my son, but then again I know Tink got her moments so what happened?"

"She thinks I don't wanna be apart of anything that has to do with wedding planning."

"And why does she think that?"

"I might have said I thought all women wanted to do that themselves."

"That's the problem idiot she ain't all women. You should be happy she even wants to include you in anything. Y'all are both getting married not just one of y'all. I don't feel like you need to be a part of ever little detail most men don't care that deep, but like cake tasting, picking styles of tuxs, and a few other things. I mean you gotta eat that cake and wear that tuxedo."

"That's true." I said not have even thought about it like that.

"See I wasn't even thinking like that. I'm thinking we got time. Plus whatever Tink picks she knows I'ma be completely down with. We are trying to go on a date and she talking about wedding stuff. Then the next thing I know she flipping out on me because of my reaction."

"And that's fine, but if she wants your opinion on a couple things give it. I mean damn she ain't getting married to herself."

"Aight, mom. Aight." I said. "Let me go apologize to this woman and she better apologize back for being a fuckin brat."

"Bye, Deandre, bye boy." She said.

When I finally got undressed and completely ready for bed Tink was already sleeping. I climbed in bed behind her wrapping my arm around her letting my hand rest on her stomach.

"I love you babymomma." I said before kissing behind her ear.

"I love you too." She mumbled then threw her elbow back elbowing me in the side.

"Ow! Dammit, Tink!" I said exaggerating wanting to get a reaction out of her.

"That did not hurt you." She sucked her teeth not budging.

"Yes it did. Ow, Tink, forreal." I said.

"No it didn't." She said turning around. "Let me see." She said moving my hand from the spot.

She gently touched it making me jump and she jumped back.

"Fuck! You might have fucked something up inside."

"Don't say that." She mumbled rolling over to turn the night lap on then coming back to assess me fully.

"At least I know you still love me enough to make sure I'm okay." I said smiling as she pressed on it again, but this time I didn't give her a fake pain reaction.

"You fuckin dumbass." She said slapping my arm.

"I love you." I said chuckling.

"I can't stand you." She said turning away from me.

"Gonna wake me up fuckin playing." She continued to mumble trying to get back comfortable after turning the light off. "So annoying."

"I'ma elbow you again. In the face this time that'll for sure bring some pain." She said.

I just chuckled again placing soft kisses against her shoulder bone feeling her relax again as I got back comfortable behind her placing my arm back around her.

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