Chapter 5:

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"Mya." I called her name recording her.

"Huh?" She said continuing dancing while standing on the bathroom counter brushing her teeth looking in the mirror.

"You is so silly girl." I said laughing standing behind her. "Okay, you done?"

"Yes." She said cheesing in the mirror looking at her teeth. "Pretty."

"Yup, pretty teeth." I said putting her back down on to the bathroom floor after helping her rinse her mouth out.

While Mya ran to her room to get some of her toys I sat on the bed and called Cierra knowing she's probably up getting ready for work.

"If this ain't Mya it's too damn early for you to be calling." Mike said answering her phone.

"Nigga, shut up." I said laughing. "Give Cierra the phone."

"No, give Mya the phone." He said.

"Mike." I said rolling my eyes.

"Tink." He said back mocking me.

"Fine, whatever. Mya! Somebody on the phone for you."

"Here she come. I'ma switch to FaceTime." I said.

"Hey Deandre!" Mya yelled.

I gasped before laughing, "It's not Deandre, it's Mike."

"I know she didn't just call me no damn Deandre. Babe," He said looking over his shoulder calling to Cierra. "Did baby girl just call me some damn Deandre?"

I laughed, "She's so use to me being on the phone with him she just assumed."

"I really feel some type of way." Mike said.

"Tell him you love him Mya." I said giving her the phone.

"I love you a lot a lot a lot." She said smiling all hard.

"I love you too fakey."

"I not fakey." She said back.

After letting them talk I finally got Cierra on the phone.

"Bitch, do we got lots to talk about?" She asked.

I smiled shrugged, "I don't know, do we?"

"Yes, we do! Ooh, I knew it. I'm only going to work for half a day come over at one. I want all the details."

"Who even said there are details?" I asked laughing.

"Your face that's who! Ooh I can't wait. No, tell me now girl, tell me. I can be a little late to work."

"Bye, Cierra, see you at one! Love you."

"Love you!" Mya yelled from the other side of the bed where she had her tablet and baby doll.

"Ughhh, I love y'all too." Cierra said back.

"Can I lay Mya down first?" I ask entering Cierra's house.

"Ugh, give me her. I'll go lay her with Micah in my bed."

"Okay. Go." Cierra said waiting for me to talk once she came back down.

"Nothing happened." I said lying knowing it'll annoy her.

"I'ma choke you out." She said.

I grinned thinking back to Saturday.

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