Chapter 19:

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"I'm so glad you're coming with me." I said to Cierra putting my camera and lenses in the back of my car along with a bag of snacks.

I usually always have a snack with me, but now being pregnant and a photographer I carry even more. When I was pregnant before I was a waitress around food all the time so I didn't have to worry about having anything, but now as a photographer I always do.

"That's what best friends are for." She said eating a piece of strawberry filled cake.

"You eating cake for breakfast?" I ask getting into the driver's seat.

"Bitch I know you ain't talking. Putting up a Instagram picture of hot cheetos and a pickle talking about breakfast don't tell my man. Knowing damn well he was gonna see it and all ya petty ass friends were gonna tag him."

"Y'all ain't have to tag him tho." I said.

She chuckled, "I had to be a smartass."

"Little active baby. Better open them legs up next appointment." I said rubbing my belly before starting the car. I am now 20 weeks.

"So when's the next appointment?" Cierra asked as I backed out of the driveway.

"It was suppose to be last Friday, but I moved it to this Friday since it's Deandre's birthday. I figured finding out what we are having will be a good way to start his birthday."

"True. What y'all got planned anyway?" She asked.

"Well you know about his friends all wanting to go out for drinks since he invited Mike and you." She nodded. "Then I planned a little staycation. I found this dope indoor spot I'ma have to show you pictures. It's so dope. I'm excited. And of course I'ma get a little sexy, but that's a given."

"Belly and all?" She asked.

"Belly and all." I said smiling.

"Oh, guess who I seen?" Cierra said making me look at her with a confused face.


"The bitch that was bold enough to steal from my best friend's house." She said referring to Jasmin making me roll my eyes.

"And let me start off by saying she had the baby with her. Now I know black babies can come out any color, but Quan bright as hell, you bright as hell yet ya baby chocolate. And ain't nothing wrong with that, but I don't think that baby is Quan's but that's just my personal opinion. But anways back to the point," I nodded waiting for her to continue as she looked down at her phone.

"But I get distracted?" I asked.

"Oh, but the point was my first thought was beat her ass for trying my best friend and daughter. But I'm like nah never with the kiddies around. So I just kindly picked up her full glass of soda and dumped it on her damn head. Wasn't that so nice of me?" She asked making me scuff out a laugh.

"So nice." I said being sarcastic, but knowing I'd probably have been down with doing the same thing.

I'm doing pictures for a couple and their newborn baby. I sat in the car with Cierra waiting for them since we are a few minutes early.

It's the beginning of Fall and we are doing natural lighting outside photos. The weather is nice and it's perfectly bright.

I got out when I seen them getting out the car. I spoke to the girlfriend about some of my ideas and she was agreeing with them all.

I went back to my car to get my camera when my phone rung. I usually won't answer the phone while on the job since it's unprofessional to continuously stop and answer the phone, but it was Mya's school and that's an automatic answer.

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