Chapter 23:

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"Ugh, my back hurts." I whined turning onto my side.

"I got you, babe, you got this." Deandre said.

I nodded as he rubbed my lower back and I gave him a kiss when he bent down for one.

I told Deandre not to let me get drugs even when I ask for them. I had Mya natural and I wanted to do it again, but so far this labor is so much more painful.

Besides crying excessively for a while during Mya's labor and delivery because I was overly worried it was smooth sailing. Yes there was pain, but I was chilling.

"Wanna walk the halls for a little bit? Come on hon, let's walk." My nurse said holding her hand out as if to help me up and I gave her a vicious side eye.

Deandre chuckled then said, "Come on, Tink."

"But I don't want to." I made a sad face whining, but let them help me up.

"Okay, I'm here. I'm here." Cierra said bursting into the room looking all disheveled. "That lady at the mothafuckin security door tried to give me problems because I said Tink at first instead of Ivy. I almost cussed her the fuck out."

"Cierra." Ms. Angie said.

"What?" She asked putting her purse near the window.

I laughed then groaned tensing up at another shooting pain.

"I told you I wasn't gonna miss it this time, Tink." She said coming over to the bed near me. "I'm not the baby daddy this time, but I'm still here."

I smiled, "I love you girl."

"I love you more." She said.

"You look cute." I said. She was dressed up since she just came from work.

"Thanks, boo." She said. "You chill and talkative."

"I know." I said.

"Where Deandre?" She said going to sit down next to Ms. Angie.

"He went up to get some food with Mya and his mom." I said.

"So it's gonna be us three there only during delivery?" Cierra asked and I nodded.

"His mom doesn't wanna witness the actual delivery part so she's gonna keep Mya entertained throughout this." I said.

As the hours passed my talkative ass became very quiet as the pain worsened. I didn't wanna even talk or look at anyone until it was finally time to push.

"That was so disgusting yet amazing." Cierra said once he was finally placed on my chest.

"It was." Deandre said leaning his head down next to mine looking at our baby boy.

He leaned down kissing my forehead and whispered, "Thank you." As he wiped a tear off my cheek.

I leaned back to kiss his lips. "I love you." He said.

"I love you too." I whispered back running my finger over our baby's cheek kissing his forehead.

"Mommy Nina, doesn't he look like the perfect mix between Deandre and Slim?" Cierra asks.

"He does." She said tearing up as Deandre handed him to her.

"Speaking of Slim." I started looking at Deandre.

"We decided to name him Tate after Slim." Deandre said.

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