Part I

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Deandre & Tink's before it all ...

Surprise, Surprise 👀💕


"What the fuck are you doing, girl? You have to go!" My foster mom snapped walking into my room.

"I'm putting my shoes on. I still have time to make it to the bus early." I said not evening looking at her.

"No your social worker is outside she said she'll give you a ride and you better act like you got some sense when you are talking to her. If you fuck up my money we are gonna have problems."

"I'll ship you off like all your other foster parents did and get a new one." She finished before leaving out the room.

"Ugh." I said flagging off her stank alcohol breath as she walked away.

"Hey, Ivy." My social worker said as I got into her car. "How are you?"

I rolled my eyes at her calling me Ivy. I go by Tink and have since I was a little girl. That's what my very first social worker called me. My social worker that actually cared about me.

"Fine." I said finally answering her while putting my seatbelt on.

"So how are things with Ms. Patti?" She asked.

"Like you care." I mumbled.

"Huh?" She asked turning her radio down the rest of the way since she had it on low.

"The usual." I said.

"Okay. Well how is it going at your new school? Being a freshman has to be a little exciting." She said making me roll my eyes again.

"Yeah, sure." Whatever.

"Okay, I'll be in touch." She said once we pulled up at the high school. "Hopefully you last at this one and everything goes better for you."

"You have me living with an alcoholic. Yeah it's been getting better." I said as I got out and shut the door before I could hear anything she would have to say back. Ain't like it would change anything.

I walked in going to my locker.

"Ooh, caught again." A girl I recently met in homeroom named Kayla said.

"Shut up." I said laughing lightly looking away from him.

"I'm telling you that's my cousin's friend. I can put the word in for you."

"No." I said brushing it off with a shrug.

I never really looked at boys beyond the oh he's cute and kept it moving. He's the first I'm continuously looking at, but he's a junior while I'm only freshman. I doubt he'd even look my way.

"Fuck that shit." We overheard someone say with a laugh.

"Language, Anderson, and don't make me tell you again!" The principal shouted making me look back and he was talking to my so called crush.

"My bad sir, mister." I chuckled as the principal rolled his eyes and continued down the hall.

"Sir mister, can you tell your renter cop to get the fuck out our face." He said when the security guard tried to take the football him and another boy were tossing around.

"My office." The principal said.

"Oh fuck you." He said back to whatever the security guard said.

"My office now!"

"I'm going bruh."

"I'm not your bruh." The principal said following them.

"Like a little bad boy aye?" Kayla asked bumping my shoulder doing some sort of sneaky smile making me laugh.

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