Chapter 26:

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"Bitch." I paused quick. "First, sister? Whether you're his real sister or not-"

"I am." She said.

"Whatever. Whether you are his real sister or not I don't know because I never heard of you, never seen, or met you. Two, if you're his supposedly real sister where the fuck were you when he was running around being a deadbeat unknown sorry ass dad?"

"You should have been putting a bug in his ear to do right by his fuckin child. Now whether he would have listened or not," I shrugged. "Who's to know, but that bug still should have been placed. If you are that real of a sister and feel you had so much influence in his life that you are brave enough to confront me about some shit of the past you obviously know nothing about."

"Where the fuck were you when his girlfriend at the time, that was pregnant with a baby that wasn't even his and she had a child Quan proudly was playing step dad to, brought bullshit around me for trying to be nice. Which lead to him popping up at my house, knocking me out, and tried to take my daughter. Which is kidnapping. Where the fuck where you?"

"And I didn't attend his funeral? You're damn fuckin right I didn't. Why would I? After everything I just told you which I'm sure you knew about majority of it, why would I? And no I don't wish death on anybody and I despised the fuck outta Quan, yet never would have wished death upon him. So do me a favor. Mind your fuckin business and I'll continue to mind mine."

She stood there quiet. After a few seconds I walked pass her to leave the bathroom.

"Damn, you read the fuck out of her. I was ready to pop off and didn't even have to." Cierra said making me laugh and shrug.

"What happened?" Deandre asked scrunching up his face looking into mine once we got back to everybody else.

I was confused maybe my face was giving something off, but I felt fine.

"Nothing, just a tired bitch tried to try me."

He raised an eyebrow in question.

"I'll explain later," I said flagging it off. "But let's go get married!" I cheered jumping up when our flight was finally called.

"Ooh, I gotta pee. I hope this ride isn't long." I said as we loaded us and our things into the cars that came to pick all of us up to take us to the resort.

"Damn, bitch, how many times you gonna pee? You went about five times on the plane." Cierra said.

"Bitch, I did not." I said pushing her shoulder.

"Mhmm, sure."

"It's so pretty!" I said extra excited once we actually got to our resort.

"Yeah, this is nice as hell." Deandre said looking around.

After all checking in most of us wanted to take naps so we all agreed to meet for dinner later.

Here with us to celebrate is Cierra and Mike of course, and their kids. Ms. Angie, her husband, and Chance. Deandre's mom and her boo. A couple of Deandre's other family members came along with some of his employees. Cole and his girlfriend are here. Chris and his wife were gonna come, but their son got sick. Good thing the way I paid for this trip they allowed so late of a refund. Cierra's mom is also here of course and Ci's brother and his girlfriend came. It's just a bunch of us, a bunch.

"Well wanna hit the pool in a hour with the kids, Tink? Since everybody else is so tired." Cierra asked me.

"Yeah, let's do it." I said.

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