Chapter 10:

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I'm up early almost always since I'm so use to Mya waking up early. It's seven right now and I'm up replying to emails.

Deandre is next to me knocked out. He usually doesn't wake up until nine or ten if he doesn't have anything to do right away that day.

Mya came walking in like she always does. This is a daily thing for her now. She wakes up walks and whispers, "Good morning, mommy." Then crawls up next to Deandre and goes back to sleep.

If he's lying on his stomach she just crawls next to him her back against his side, but if he's laying on his back she pushes his arm out wraps her little arms around his arm and goes to sleep right against his arm which is what she was doing right now.

I sat there staring at them both while they slept. Mine.

While they were sleep I updated my website with new winter pictures I took and a posted about my holiday sale on all my photography social medias and reposted them on my personal ones.

Since I don't have a space to take inside pictures yet winter is probably my slowest time since most people don't wanna be outside in Chicago's cold ass weather for pictures. Even tho outside pictures are beautiful especially with snow not everybody wants to deal with that and I wouldn't either.

So hopefully one day I can open a small studio for inside backdrop, lighting, and prop pictures. That way I can do those and still do the natural outside pictures too.

I even finally got custom made big portrait envelopes to put clients pictures in that says Visions by Tink. Studio up next for sure.

"Here, Mya." I said giving her the bag with the nuggets as I pulled out of McDonald's parking lot.

"No, mommy." She said whining.

"What?" I asked looking back since I just stopped at a red light.

"No honey mustard." She said holding her bag.

I took it from her then sucked my teeth seeing barbecue sauce only.

"Ugh, what the fuck?" I mumbled annoyed they gave the wrong sauce and annoyed at myself since I didn't check the bag first.

"We gotta go back." She whined.

"Mya, I'm not turning around and going back for no honey mustard." I said continuing driving when the light turned green.

"Mya." I said when I heard her sniffling in the back.

"Stop crying. We are almost at Cici's house she probably has honey mustard."

"She doesn't have any!" She yelled fully crying now.

"You don't know that, stop yelling." I said turning around quick to look at her frowned up tear stained face.

She screamed kicking on the back of my chairs.

"Mya Renee!" I snapped. "Stop before I pull over, pop them thighs, and give you something to really cry about."

She stopped kicking, but her dramatic ass cried all the way until we got to Cierra's and even as I got her out the car.

"What the hell?" Cierra asked opening the door.

"Where Mike, tell him come get his godchild right now before I knock her out. She's screaming over some damn honey mustard McDonald's didn't give us." I said letting Cierra take her from me.

"Godmommy probably got some sauce on my counter. You know my kids eat that nasty shit once a week."

"Please get her some." I said.

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