Chapter 16:

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"Tink, let me in." Cierra said knocking on the bathroom door.

I cleared my throat, "Okay hold on."

I wiped my face and eyes the best I could before letting her in.

"Don't cry." She said hugging me. "Don't go off hiding either. We gonna cry together or not at all."

"I know I just still feel so uneasy about what happened yesterday. Plus my man got arrested and all I wanna do is lay up under him and feel protected."

"I know. Did you get any sleep last night?" She asked

"On and off." I said.

"I didn't realize how bad the side of my face looked." I said touching the big ass bruise. "Maybe I should put on some makeup on. No I'm coming right back home."

We met up with Chris to post bail for all of the guys.

Cierra dropped the boys off with her mom until she gets Mike out, but of course Mya ain't leaving my side. She doesn't want to and I don't wanna let her.

"No because why they all walking out like they apart of the Fast and Furious crew." Cierra said.

"Shut up." I said chuckling.

As I got out of my car I noticed Deandre and Jigz exchanging words then nodded and gave each other a pound. Then he dabbed Cole up.

"Stay away from fuck niggas, Ivy." Jigz said as he passed me.

"Including him." Cole said patting Jigz on the shoulder making me laugh.

"I do, I just wish these fuck niggas would stay away from me." I said back.

"Glad you're okay, Tink." Cole said.

"Thanks. Y'all always ready to go to war for the kid." I said speaking to the both of them.

"Forever." Jigz said.

"And ever." Cole said play punching my arm before they continued to Chris's car.

I gave Deandre a long hug when he got to me. Then looked him over. All he had was a scratch over his eyebrow. "I'm glad you're okay." I whispered.

"No I'm glad you are okay. I told you I'll kill over you and I mean that shit."


"If the cops wouldn't have came-"

"Don't." I said again. "I don't want or need you in jail. So I don't want you doing anything like that."

He just stared down at me. I could tell he probably wanted to say more, but didn't.

"Baby girl you good?" He asked looking back at Mya once we both got into the car.

"Yeah." She said.

"I will kill over y'all, Tink. Will."

"Deandre." I said low.

I know he's serious, but honestly I'd just rather we deal with this in court and be done with it. If only it could be that easy.

"What the fuck? Is that your stomach?" I nodded since it just did a long loud growl. "Well damn, when's the last time you ate?"

"Um, probably lunch yesterday."

"What the fuck, Tink." He said looking over at me. "You gotta eat."

"I know I just wasn't hungry last night."

"And this morning?"

"I wanted to rush down here." I said and he gave me a straight face. "What?"

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