Part II

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Deandre & Tink's before it all...



"What are you doing, nigga?" I asked Slim.

"Having a movie night with mommy." He said holding a big bag of Doritos and had two cans of sprite. "You gonna watch with us?"

I shrugged, "Sure. I wanna take a shower first." I said knowing my mom be tripping on me when I smell like weed.

"Aight. We ain't waiting on you tho." He said.

"I figured." I said tripping him as he walked away.

"Come on now asshole." He said.

"Hey, mom." I said stopping in her room.

"Hey, baby. You gonna watch the movie with us?"

"Yeah, I'ma go take a shower quick then be back."

"Okay. Uh uh, Slim, we ain't watching no scary movie." She said.

"Mom, you so scary."

"Oh well." She said.

"Oh and mom I'm going on a date tomorrow night, but aight bye I'll be back." I said quickly then started walking away.

"Uh uh! Deandre, get back here!" She called making me stop and throw my head back. "What date?"

"I'm taking somebody on a date."

"Who's somebody? Tink?"

"Yes, mom." I said chuckling.

"Ohhhh. See I knew that wasn't just no damn friend."

"She's his girlfriend." Slim said with a mouth full of chips.

"Oh really?" She asked.

"It's still new, but yes." I answered.

"I wanna meet her."

"Okay, but-"

"Ain't no but."

"Okay, we will stop by here first after I pick her up."

"And she can come over for Sunday dinner."

"I'll ask her and see mom."


"Ugh." I groaned not knowing what to wear.

I wanted to try to be a little cute since this is gonna be my first date ever. But since I have limited clothing options and things are either too small or too big since my past foster moms, the ones who would actually buy me clothes, didn't care to pay much attention to my actual size and I never complained just tried to make it work.

"It'll do." I said looking in the mirror on the back of the bathroom door.

I put on a sweater that was too big for me, but I'm letting it hang off one of my shoulders to give it a little something. Then I have some plain tights on.

I did my hair in a simple, but cute slick bun. Put some earrings on and I was ready to go.

It was 6 already so I hurried to go meet Deandre at the corner. Luckily my foster mom wasn't here so I wouldn't get a bunch of questions or told I can't go.

"You got cute for the, kid?" Deandre asked.

"Shut up." I said laughing.

"Where's your car?" I asked.

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