Chapter 21:

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"Deandre, move get out my way." I said laughing at him trying to do Mya's hair.

"Nah I got it." He said grabbing her soft brush looking so unnatural using it.

He was trying to do the two bun ponytails that I sometimes do in her hair. One the part he did down the middle was nowhere near straight and both ponytails he did were too loose.

"Boom." He said finishing.

"I'm having a bad hair day." Mya said making us laugh.

"Damn, baby girl, that's how you gonna do me?" He asked her.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you more." He said kissing her forehead.

"Aight, let mommy fix your hair for real before you be late for school. Then tonight I'ma do something that can last a couple days."

"No." She said whining hugging my big belly.

"Yes." I said back. She hates sitting to get her hair done, but soon as it's done she so happy talking about its pretty.

"Babe, I'm out." Deandre said coming back into the bathroom.

"Okay." I said giving him a kiss. "Did you eat? Make sure you have water."

"Yes mommy dearest." He said slapping my ass before leaving.

After dropping Mya off at school I went to Ms. Angie's restaurant.

"Hey, Tink." Destiny my old coworker said.

"Hey, boo." I said hugging her.

"That big ol belly. You always look cute pregnant." She said.

"Girl," I said rolling my eyes. "Thanks, but I'm ready for him to be here already honestly."

"Oop, let me see the ring. Ooh, it looks so much better in person. Yass, Tink." She said making me laugh as she held my hand out squinting. "I better be invited."

"Of course." I said.

"Grandma been here lately?" I asked about our restaurant grandma looking towards where she usually sits when she stops by.

"She was a couple days ago. She don't stop by like she use to."

"I've been trying to get in touch with her, I miss her."

I stood there talking to her for awhile before heading to the back to Ms. Angie's office.

"What's up fat fat?" Matt the restaurant's main cook said.

I narrowed my eyes at him and he just laughed, "That belly big, girl."

"I'ma hurt you." I said playfully punching his arm.

"Almost ready to pop." He said. "How many months?"

"Yup, 8 months and I can't wait."

"Boy right?"

"Yup, I'm naming him after you." I said winking at him as I walked away.

"I'm honored." He said back making me laugh.

"Auntie!" I yelled opening her office door without knocking.

"Now what if I was on the phone or having a meeting? Or had my husband in here." She said giving me the mom look.

"My bad." I said laughing.

"I missed you." I said going over hugging and kissing her cheek up.

"Tink, get off me." She said laughing pushing me away.

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