mean it

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for rnukes


Luke smiled as he walked into the living room, and saw Michael sitting on the couch watching tv.

He jumped over the back of the couch, and tackled Michael, pulling him off of the couch onto the floor.

"Luke!" Michael yelled, fighting with Luke to get him on the ground. "You bastard!"

Luke laughed as Michael got above him, and started tickling his sides. "Michael! This is so not punk rock!"

It went on for a few minutes until Luke was out of breath.

"You're an ass. I hate you." Luke laughed, and Michael smiled.

"I love you." Michael said as he sat on the ground, against the edge of the couch. Luke was still laying down on the ground, trying to catch his breath.

"Shut up." Luke laughed.

"I love you." Michael said again.

"Michael, be quiet. That's not funny." Luke giggled.

"Luke, I love you. Why don't you believe me?" Michael laughed.

"Because you don't. You're just trying to make fun of me." Luke said, and Michael crawled over, and got on top of Luke.

"Luke, I mean it. I absolutely love you." Michael said, and Luke's face fell. He knew it was just another way for Michael to make a joke. He would get Luke to say he loves him too, and then laugh at him.

"No you d-"

"Luke, baby, stop saying that. Why don't you believe me?" Michael asked, close to Luke's lips. 

"Because you're never serious, and you're just gonna get me to tell you I love you too, and then laugh at me. And I won't think it's funny because I actually am serious, and telling me that you love me as a joke isn't funny. It just hurts a little. Get off of m-"

Michael cut Luke off by kissing him roughly.

"Do you believe me now, idiot?" Michael asked, and Luke smiled.

"I'm sorry. You've just never been so serious about something. You're never really sweet. You're always calling me names and... I just didn't think you wanted this..." Luke whispered.

"Trust me when I say I do." Michael whispered, and kissed Luke again. The blondes head rested back on the floor as Michael grabbed his hips.

They could tell someone had entered the room, but they didn't care enough to pull away from each other.

"Oh my gosh! You two are totally making out! I can't believe he likes you back. I'm-"

"Get out, Calum!" Michael yelled, making Luke laugh before they connected their lips again.

Michael pulled back and smiled as he looked down at Luke. He rolled off of him, and laid down on the floor beside Luke, pulling the younger boy into his chest.

"I kinda like you, noodle.." Michael said, poking Luke's nose.

"I kinda like you, Michael..."

muke one shots: vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now