more than that

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thanks rnukes for this idea (:


"mikey!" luke said, and smiled when he saw the older boy walk into his bedroom.

"hey, i just got off of work, and i kind of had a sucky day. i need your luke cuddles." michael said, and luke smiled.

the older boy stripped down just to his boxers and crawled into the bed next to luke.

it was a little after 10 p.m., and just laying with luke made michael's mind rest but made his heart beat a little faster.

michael laid down against luke's chest, breathing in the scent of his shirt. his eyes closed as he wrapped his arms around the fragile boy's waist.

"you wanna talk about work? or was it just one of those days?" luke asked, his hand running through michael's hair.

"just rude customers. they're exhausting." michael whispered, and luke nodded.

he wanted to lean up, and kiss luke's collarbones more than anything in the world, but best friends don't do that.

he wanted to just get it over with and tell luke he wants to be with him, but he doesn't want to lose his best friend if it doesn't work out.

"i had a pretty bad day, too. i'm really happy that you came over." luke said, and michael furrowed his eyebrows.

"what happened?"

luke sighed, and michael looked up. "it not- i'm probably being stupid for being so upset, but i was supposed to go on a date. i got ready, and drove there, probably waiting about 30 minutes before he texted me and said he wasn't coming. there was some football tournament he had to watch or something." luke mumbled.

"luke, you don't deserve that." michael said, and luke shrugged.

"i just haven't had much luck lately, you know? i want a boyfriend, but it's just not gonna happen i don't think." luke said softly.

michael could feel the butterflies recklessly hitting his stomach. he knew there would never be a more perfect moment to tell luke, but he was just so scared.

"m-maybe, you know, if you feel like it, we could try something?" michael asked, his face turning red.

"you don't actually mean that." luke laughed, but michael was dead serious.

"no, really. if you want, maybe i could take you on a date? you deserve to be treated to one night. you don't deserve to be cancelled on." michael said, and luke smiled a little, holding michael a little tighter.

"how would you feel- what if i told you i like you?" luke said, and michael felt the weight of the world fall off of his shoulders.

"than i would have to tell you that i like you too." michael said, and looked up.

"really?" luke asked.

"of course." michael said, and smiled. luke's face brightened up, his blue eyes sparkling.

"i was terrified of telling you. i'm so glad you said something first." michael laughed, and buried his head in the younger boys chest.

"yeah. now 'm happy." luke whispered, and ran his hands through michael's hair. "is it too soon to ask you to kiss me?"

"seriously?!" michael asked, and looked up, seeing luke nod as he smiled brightly.

michael scooted up, and pressed his lips to luke's quickly. his hand found its way onto the back of luke's neck as the younger boy relaxed, his head laying back onto the pillow.

luke's shaky hands reached up and fell onto michael's cheeks. he felt so happy as michael's body enveloped his, making him feel so safe and cared for.

"how long have you liked me?" michael asked once he pulled back.

"literally like four years. i was fourteen and you were almost sixteen." luke laughed, a blush covering his cheeks.

"why didn't we do this sooner, oh my gosh!" michael said, and luke laughed at him, running a hand through the dyed hair.

"because we were both too scared." luke told him, and michael playfully rolled his eyes, and leaned down kissing luke's forehead once.

"i'm just glad we finally said it." luke whispered.

"i know. i wish we could've been together then, but just having you here right now is more than i could ever ask for."


i'm literally sitting in school someone kill me. like i love education and all that, but i don't want to be in this building.

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