Chapter 1: Leaving Home

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^^This chapters song 😁 I love it so much.

Song: We're Taking Over

By: Bea Miller

Hi I'm Sky.


Well my real name is Skylar but I hate it, so everyone calls me Sky. I wake up and and walk down the stairs of this old abandoned house.

"I'm right here ma." I say, she turns around with tears in her eyes, "I'm going too miss your little butt running around the house" She says,

"I'm gonna miss you too." I say hugging her, "Now remember if your father says anything bout' me its a lie. Don't trust anyone...they don't know how it feels to have a life like we do." She says,

"Okay." I say, "Oh! And here, this is for you." She says giving me the necklace that she always wears,

"Keep this...something to remember me bye..." She says wiping a tear, "Thank you ma." I say hugging her one last time,

"Change how they look at the world. I know you can." She says, "Okay...bye...I'm gonna miss you so much!" I say,

"I'll miss you better go." She says, I nod waving bye,

I walk out the old stanky house with my bag in one hand and my phone in the other. Your probably wondering how I got my phone.

Well its a IPhone 6s and my moms boss gave it too me, hes a really nice man.

He has helped us out a lot. "Tell Carter I said hi!" My mom yells, "Okay!" I yell back,

As I got on the road I have walked down a thousand times I smile.

"Hi Sky!" I hear someone say, it was Bob he owns the pizza place. "Hi Bob!" I say,

"You leaving to Tennessee?" He asks, "How'd you know that I was going t-" I start,

"Your ma told me." He says, "Oh. Well I better go. See ya later Bob!" I say with a smile,

"See ya later Sky! Have a good time!" He says, "You too!" I say, as I walked down I said hi to a few more people I knew.

Everybody knew everyone in this town because its so small. "Bye Sky!" My bestfriends Jake and Shelly yell "Bye guys!" I yell,

When I got to Tennessee I was standing in the airport, when I heard yelling. "Skylar Alfaro?!" I hear,

Oh did I forget to say that my mom decided too give me my dad's last name Alfaro while my moms last name is Aries? Well it is.

I walk up too the man that was yelling, "Are you Skylar Alfaro?" He asks "Yes...and you are?" I ask,

"I am Mr. Ben, the limo driver." He says smiling at me, I smile back but he looked at me shocked, "What?" I ask,

"Oh nothing." He says than opens one of the doors too the limo. I jump in. "Thank you Ben." I say smiling at him,

"Your welcome ma'am" He says, "Oh please don't call me that! You can call me Sky." I say he chuckles than closes my door,

A hour later Ben opened my door I looked at the picture in front of me. It was a mansion.

"Wow..." I say, "Not used to seeing these are you?" Ben asked confused, "Nope." I say,

"Don't worry you'll fit right in, it will feel like home" He says, home?

"This will never be like my home." I say, I started walking closer, and closer to the big door.

I take a deep breath than knock on the door. I set there, and set there, and thought nobody is coming.

What was I thinking? My dad doesnt love me. But than the doors open to show a old lady.

"Hello dear I am Mrs. Angelo, and you are?" The lady asks "I'm Sky." I say, "Sky? Skylar!?" She asks,

"Am I supposed to know you?" I ask, "Of course were just 5 the last time I seen you. I am your nanny" She says,

"Well its nice too see you again. Where's Mr. Alfaro?" I ask, "Oh your father?" She asks, I guess you could call him that...

"Yes." I say, "He's out of town for a few days. But don't worry dear he'll be back soon." She says,

"I dont want to sound...uhhh..." I laugh nervously, "What is it dear?" She asks, "Has my dad re-married?" I ask, "Oh dear..." She says,

"Has he?" I ask, "Oh dear...well...yes...but nobody really likes her here. She treats all of us like the bottom of her 1,000$ shoes. She only uses your father for his money. But everyones too scared to say anything because we don't want to get fired." She says,

"Oh. I'm so sorry." I say, "I don't worry dear, there is nothing you could do about it." She says frowning,

"How long?" I ask, "Sorry?" She asks, "How long has she been married too my dad?" I ask "About 5 years." She says sighing,

"But anyways, let me show you your room." She says, "Okay." I say, she walks up the stairs and brings me to a blue door, my favirote color.

I opened the door, it was beutiful. There was a big bed, the walls were blue, there was a desk, a flat screen TV, and a bay window.

"I didnt know what you liked so I just kind of winged it." She says shruging,

"Thank you so much I love it." I say huggging her, "Well I'm glad you liked it. Now I better go your brother will be home soon with his friends and I have too cook dinner." She says,

"Could I help? I love cooking!" I say, "Are you sure?" She asks,

"Yes. I'm sure." I say smiling at her, "Okay than, but first you need to unpack and get setled in." She says,

"I guess your right." I say, she walks out and I took some of my old T-shirts and ripped pants out of my bag.

Me and my mom never had the money to buy bood clothes. I look down at what I'm wearing.

A T-shirt with one single hole in it and jeans with a bunch of holes.

These are one of my best outfits...sad. But who cares what everybody thinks? Not me. That's for sure.

Always remember...
Not everything is as it seems

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