Chapter 36: Telling Jordan

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"I'm going back home

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"I'm going back home..." I say, Jordan's face dropped. "No! You can't! We just got together! You're leaving me!?" He yells, wow. Go back, go back to this morning when this all happened. Rewind!

I wake up, horrible day. It's been a long week and a half. I spent all my days with Jordan and Carter. I have 2 days left. I leave Friday.

I sigh. I've gotta start packing. I grab my bag that I was wearing when I came here. I put all my stuff in it. It's going to be a long day.

I've got to tell Jordan about me leaving. I pick up my phone and call Jordan

J- Hey.

S- Hey Jordan!

J- Oh hey! What's up?

S- Nothing...I was just wondering if maybe you can come over today? We need to talk...

J- Oh, yeah! I can come over. Is anything wrong?

S- We can talk about it later. See ya in a hour.

I then hang up before he can say another word. I walk down stairs. Everything is silent. "Carter!? Dad!?" I yell, nobody comes or yells back at me. I shrug, they are probably out doing something.

Looks like I'm home alone. What should I do? I turn YouTube on my phone and I put Pity Party by Melanie Martinez on. I lip sing to the song and dance. I use a carrot as a microphone.

A few songs later I was having so much fun. I was pretending I was at a concert. "Uhhhh Sky?" I hear someone ask, "I don't need a man to make my life swe....hey guys..." I say waving awkwardly to my brother, father, and boyfriend.

They all laugh. "Haters gonna hate." I say flipping my hair. "What are you wearing?" Carter asks laughing, I look down at my shorts that have unicorns on them, my black shirt, and bunny slippers.

"Uhhh, I can explain..." I say, "Please do." Jordan says laughing. "I'm not human. I'm a emo...unicorn...bunny. I'm a emo buncorn...?" I say,

"What...? Never mind. I don't want to know." Dad says shaking his head. I smile sweetly. "I love y'all so much." I say, "I am going to miss you, Sky." Carter says,

"Miss her? What are you talking about? Where is she going?" Jordan asks confused. I freeze. "Good going Carter." I say, glaring at him. "Sorry...." He says, dad hits the back of his head.

I sigh, "Jordan, we need to talk..." I say, "Ya think?" He asks, I grab his hand and take him up to my room.

"I'm leaving..." I say, "You're what? Leaving? When? Why?!" He yells,

"They are making me go home to my mother. But I'll be day. When I turn 18! So it's not like I'm leaving forever!" I say, "It's going to feel like forever! Please don't go!"

"I'm sorry...I leave in two days..." I say, "No, you are not leaving! Me and you are going to run away." He says, I laugh. "I can't. There's no running away from this one." I say, "Why not? I know you want to!"

"I seriously can't! Do you know how bad my mom will feel if I do that?" I ask, "Come on!" He says, "No, what about your family? You can't just leave them." I say,

"Well, uh, please...just stay." He says, I hug him. "I'm sorry, but I can't."


Hey y'all! So there is going to be one more chapter before this story is over. 😭

I'm so sad right now! I remember when I started this story...memories...😪

Anyways bye guys! Get ready for the last chapter! Buy a tissue box and some ice cream. Because I already did (no joke.)

Byeeeee!!! I love y'all! ❤️

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