Chapter 32: Jordans Family & Jordans Old Therapist

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^^Okay so first

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^^Okay so first...ain't this just the coolest thing ever!? This chapters song :)

Song: Bad At Love

By: Halsey

" look beautiful, Sky." Jordan says coming in the house as I walk down the stares with Emma. "Thank you." I say, Carter rolls his eyes.

"Well we better get going. Byeeee." I say kissing Carter's cheek as me and Jordan walk out of the house.

"Are you ready to meet my family?" He asks, "Yeah." I say, "They are going to love you." He says, I smile at him. He opens the truck door for me.

I hop in and he closes the door behind me and he gets in on the driver side. I turn the radio on. Twenty One Pilots song Car Radio turns on.

When we finally get to Jordans house about 3o minutes later we get out of the truck. Jordan grabs my hand as we walk up to the front door together.

He opens the door and we walk in. Instantly I hear noice. Not a little noice but a bunch of noice.

"Sorry that it's so loud." Jordan whispers to me. "It's fine." I say smiling at him, he smiles back. "Guys we are here!" Jordan yells, instantly all noice stops and before I knew it there was four people in front of us.

I'm guessing it was Jordans mother, father, sister, and brother. "Uhhh hi." I say, wow. Great first impression, Sky.

"Hello. I'm Jordans mother." The lady says shaking my hand. "I'm Jordans father." The mad says nodding.

"Hi, I'm Logan. And it's very nice to meet you." The little boy says kissing my ha d and winking at me. I raise an eyebrow at Jordan. He just shrugs.

"Hi! I'm May!" The little girl says, she hugs her teddy bear tightly. "Hi, uhh I'm Skylar. But you can call me Sky if you'd like." I say, they all smile at me.

"I'm so happy that my son finally found a girlfriend!" Jordans father says, I laugh. "Dad!" Jordan says scratching his neck.

"Skylar do you like spaghetti?" Mrs. David asks, "Yes, I love spaghetti." I say, "Well good! Because that is what's for dinner!" She says, this family isn't as bad as I thought.

"Can you play with me?" May asks tugging on my hand. I look at Jordan. "May, are you trying to steal my girlfriend from me?" He asks,

"No...I just wanna play." She says hugging her teddy bear tighter. I just had to aw. She's just so cute.

"Sure. If Sky wants to play than she can." Jordan says, May looks up at me. I couldn't say no. She was just to cute. "Yes, I'll play with you." I say, she smiles a big smile and pulls me up stairs.

"We can play dolls or do you wanna play with teddy?" She asks, "I'll play whatever you want to play." I say smiling at her.

"Okay! Let's play dolls than! I never get to play dolls with anyone!" She says, I smile at her. "This is my room." She says, pulling me into a pink room.

"This is my doll house! This is my Barbie!" She says picking up a blonde hair, blue eyed Barbie. "You can pick one." She says, I pick up the brown haired, green eyed Barbie.

"My name is going to be Alissa!" May says, "Okay, what will my name be?" I ask, "You can choose yourself." She says confused,

"Can you choose for me? I'm really bad at naming things." I say, "Uhh can name her...Zoey!" She says,

"Okay, Alissa and Zoey. I like it." I say tickling her. She laughs. "Okay let's play now." She says, we played for about an hour when Logan and Jordan came in the room.

"What do you two need?" I ask, "We came to check on you two." Jordan says sitting next to me. Logan sits on the opposite side of me.

"Come on! It's time to eat!" Jordan says grabbing my hand. Me and May put our barbies back and we all walk down stairs.

Everyone sits at the table and eats. "So, Sky, how did you and Jordan meet?" Mrs. David asks, "Well Mrs. David-" I start but she cuts me off.

"Please call me Amelia!" She says, I nod. "Do you know Carter?" I ask, "Carter? Jordan's friend? That Carter?" She asks, I nod.

"That's my brother." I say, "Brother? But I though you and Jordan were in the same grade..." She says, trailing off.

"Yes, me and Carter are twins." I say, "Oh! Is being a twin fun? I've always wanted to be a twin." She says, I chuckle.

"Well it has its up and downs! Buts it's not so great and amazing like everyone makes it sound like!" I say, "But I though Carter was an only child." Mr. David says,

"Well I can assure you that he's not." I say, "Oh Charles remember! That little girl that was Carter's sister and her mom took her away! I never understood what happened. How come we've never heard of you until you and Jordan started dating?" Amelia asks,

"Well uhh actually me and Jordan knew each other as children." I say, chuckling. Jordan grabs my hand from under the table and squeezes it.

"Oh?" Jordan's dad says, I'm guessing his name is...Charles. "Yes. Uhhh I'm that little girl that's mom took her." I say smiling awkwardly. Everyone goes quiet.

For the rest of dinner everyone just made small talk. It was very awkward.

After dinner we all went to the living room and started watching Guardians Of The Galaxy. Then there was a knock on the door.

Amelia took May up to her room because she fell asleep and Jordan opened the door.

"Sky, I'd like you to meet my old therapist Toby." Jordan says, I smile and shake Toby's hand. "Come on bud! I thinks time for bed." Charles says to Logan. The two go up stairs leaving me, Toby, and Jordan.

Me and Jordan sat together while Toby sat across from us.

"So Toby this is Sky." Jordan says, "Hello, Sky. I've heard a lot about you." Toby says, I chuckle. "Good things hopefully..." I say,

"Jordan asked me to come talk to you..." Toby says, "Uhhh excuse me..?" I say,

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