Chapter 33: No More Secrets & Sleeping Over

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Before you start...I'm sorry for the short chapter! Anyway! Continue! This chapters song :)

Song: She Will Be Loved

By: Maroon 5


IF YOU ARE #ForeverAlone like me...this chapter will make you super sad...and jealous 😓

"Well he just wanted to make sure you're okay." Toby says, "Well I'm perfectly fine! Why did you need a therapist anyways?" I ask, Jordan looks down.

"Uhhh I'll leave you two alone...I'll be in the kitchen if you need me." Toby says, Jordan sighs. "Why'd you need a therapist?" I ask,

"'s...a long story." He says, "Yeah, well I have time." I say, "But what if I tell you and you leave me?" He asks, I look at him. "I would never do that." I say holding his hand. He smiles at me.

"Well when I was 14...I had a girlfriend. She was my first girlfriend. But she'd always act weird. I don't know...I should've seen it coming. One day, I was at math then the bell rang tell us to switch we walked out of math. I was in the hall way and the next thing I knew...someone screamed and everyone was running out of the school building. So obviously I followed because I was curious like the others. There in front of my girlfriend had jumped off of the school...she had committed suicide. So I was depressed! But who wouldn't be!? I thought I was in love! She was my first girlfriend so of course I thought we were going to last forever!" He says, a few tears escape his eyes.

"Wow...Jordan I'm so sorry..." I say, he grabs both of my hands. "No more lies." He says, "Huh?" I ask,

"I want you to tell me everything! Everything that played a big part in your life. The good and the bad." He says, "Jordan...I don't think you're ready for the truth." I say,

"I'm ready, Sky! I really am!" He says, "Well maybe I'm not ready. But I have a feeling that the truth will be told...very soon. " I say,

Toby comes in the room. "I've gotta go. My wife can't get our baby to stop crying. Remember, Sky, if you ever need me then I'm always open. Jordan can give you my number if you ever need it." He says, I smile at him.

"Thank you." I say,

"No problem." He says walking out the door. I look at the clock. "'s 12 o'clock." I say,

"Oh well it looks like you're spending the night!" He says, "What? No! I can't!" I say, "Why not?" He asks,

"Because! Carter is probably freaking out and wondering where I am!" I say, "You are with me. And he knows that." Jordan says, he sighs.

"Here I'll text him and say you're spending the night." He says pulling out his phone. I glance at his phone and found out his password. Im not one of those girls that go through their boys phone but I like to know just in case.

He hurriedly texts Carter and then sticks his phone back in his pocket. "Better?" He asks, "Better." I say,

"Good. Now come on." He says, getting up he grabs my hand and leads me up stairs and into his room. He shuts the door behind me. "Wait! I don't have anything to wear!" I say,

"Well you don't have to wear anything..." he says, I glare at him. "I'm just kidding! Jeez!" He says putting his hands up.

"Jordan, I'm serious! What am I supposed to wear?" I ask, he goes through his closet. "Here's one of my shirts that you can borrow..." He says, he gives me the shirt.

I go to the bathroom. Borrow? Honey, I'm still a girl. I ain't 'borrowing' nothing! This shirt is my property now. I take my shirt off and put Jordan's shirt on.

What about pants...oh well. I'll go with pants. I walk out of the bathroom and into Jordans room. Jordan had his boxers and his shirt on.

"Uhhh do you have any pants I can wear to sleep in? Or will I be like this?" I ask, "Well do you want some of my shorts?" He asks, "Please." I say, he sighs.

"Here." He says grabbing some pants. I put them on and get into his bed.

Oh my goodness! This bed makes me feel like I'm on a cloud! It's so comfortable!

He turns the light off and gets into the bed next to me. "Why does your bed smell so good?" I ask, it's quiet for a few seconds then Jordan starts laughing.

"Hey, are you okay?" I ask, he takes a deep breath. "Yeah. I'm fine." He says,

"Okay. Goodnight, sweetie." I say, why'd I say sweetie? That's weird. It just kinda happened.

"Goodnight, Sweetheart." He says, "Uhhh no. I have the last word. Goodnight, babe." I say, "Goodnight, baby." He says, are we seriously doing this?

"Goodnight, Honey." I say, "Goodnight, Sweetie," He says, "I already said that." I say turning around so we are face to face. He kisses my nose.

Which I don't understand why some boys do that! I mean there is buggers in girls noses! Why you want to kiss a bugger? But I mean they are INSIDE the nose...I hope a boy isn't kissing the inside of a girls nose.

Why do I have these weird moment when the weirdest stuff comes up in my mind? I don't know. But I guess it makes me unique and different. Because who wants to be boring and the same as everyone else? actually...

"No you didn't." He says, as he takes his shirt off. "Whhhattt ya doing?" I ask, "This is how I sleep, dummy." He says, I nod saying 'oh'.

He cuddles up to me. "Goodnight, princess." He says, after those words I slowly fall asleep in his arms.

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