Chapter 5: What Have I Gotten My Self Into?

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This chapters song 😁

Song: Alphabet Boy

By: Melanie Martinez

When I woke up the next morning I just stayed in bed.

I looked at me clock it said 12:00pm I'm late for school! But like really late! Why didn't anyone come wake me up?

After setting in bed for 4 minutes thinking if I should go or not. I walk down the stairs still in my pajamas.

I sigh when I see Sarah. "Sarah, why didn't anyone wake me up?" I ask,

"Oh good afternoon dear." She says avoiding the question. "Sarah. Why did nobody get me up this morning?" I ask again,

"We all thought you would want too stay home after what happened yesterday." She says, frowning. But the frown slowly disappears into a smile.

"So I asked your father for some money for you. And I thought we could have a girls day. The boys are staying at Jordan's house since it's Friday." She says,

"A girls day?" I ask, "Yes. Just you, me, and the mall. We are going shopping for some new clothes for you." She says,

"Uhhh....I don't know. I just want too stay here and sleep some more...." I say, "Oh come on dear." She says, she takes me up the stairs.

When we walk in my room I sit on the bed and she goes through my closet. She takes all the clothes out, giving me a shirt and some pants.

"Oh and I almost forgot I invited my youngest daughter too come with us." She says walking out of my room.

I put the clothes on than walked down stairs. I went too the living room where Sarah, and another girl sets.

"Hi I'm Jasmine." She says when looking at me, Jasmine had beautiful long dark curly Brown hair unlike my ugly light brown medium height naughty hair.

She also had beautiful blue eyes unlike my greenish, blueish eyes. People have always said my eyes were creepy because one looks bluer than the other, and the other one is greener.

"I'm Sky." I say, "Skylar, Jasmin is in collage." Sarah says nodding too me.

"Yep. Your still in high school right?" Jasmine asks, "Yea." I say, "Well trust me when you get too collage all of that freedom will be gone." She says, what freedom?

"Anyways! Let's go shopping! We need too find you a new still girl!" Jasmine says we walk out of the house and into a jeep.

"So tell me do you have a boyfriend Sky?" Jasmine asks, nope I'm too ugly for one. "No." I say,

"Well you will when you walk into school Monday." She says, I doubt that. "Uhhhh" Is all I say, why cant I be more confident?

When we got too the mall we went in ever single store. I hate shopping sadly. I hate trying everything on, because that involves me looking at my self.

My ugly, fat, small self.

I sigh, when we left the mall they went to McDonalds. Of course they asked if I wanted anything.

But all I could think about is those calories, and fat in it. So of course I said a polite no thank you.

I may have grown up in a bad town but that doesn't mean I'm not polite. As soon as we got home I went too my room and put all the new clothes up.

My door opens too Jasmine. "Get dressed because we are all going out for dinner." She says than shuts the door.

I am dressed already. Oh wait she means with my new clothes. I sigh, what should I wear? Nothing girly. Nothing to reveling. Nothing too tight. Nothing too short...

Ah! I guess this will do...

I put it on. This would look so much better if I wasn't so fat, and ugly. I sigh, but it will have too do. I just have too follow my life rules...

Clothes Rules...

1. Don't make eye contact with anyone.

2. Suck in your stomach.

3. Were make up but not enough for people too call you a slut/whore.

4. Wear a baggy shirt so you can't see your stomach that much.

Those are my clothes rules. I'm already disobeying rule number 4. I have a bunch of different rules. Like my so called love rules.

Love Rules...

1. Don't fall in love.

2. DON'T kiss anyone!

3. Don't go on dates.

4. Don't get a boyfriend because they just brake your heart.

These are just the main rules though. I have a whole lot more. I mean I'm not a good girl. I just want too ignore everything that has too do with teens as possible.

So I get b's in my classes. Just because I want too get the fuck out of this place.

As I think of everything there is a knock on my door. I open it. "Hey a girl named Alisa says she wants too talk too you." Sarah says moving aside, I see Alisa.

"Uhh sure we'll be right down." I say as Alisa comes in. "I came too check on you from...what happened." She says,

"I'm fine...I know that your just being nice too me because your dating my brother." I say,

"That's not true. I mean too be's like 20% of the reason. But 40% is because I'm the only girl in my friend group. The rest is because you seem cool." She says,

"Uhh thinks." I say, she looks down at my outfit. "I love that outfit. Where are you going?" She asks,

"I don't know. The two girls in there are keeping me out of the house..." I say, a idea pops in my head. I don't want my brothers girlfriend too hate me.

So I should get too know her at least. "Would you like too come with? I really don't want too be alone with those two again." I say, she laughs.

"Sure if that's not a problem?" She asks, "Of course not! Plus I need too get too know my brothers know he's at Jordans. So would you like too spend the night with me?" I ask,

"Like a sleep over?" She asks, "Yea! I've never had one." I say, "Really?! Well we are going too have a great sleep over! Just you wait!" She says....what have I gotten my self into?

Always remember...
Not everything is what it seems

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