Chapter 4: Lunch Disaster & Online Friend

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This chapters song 😁

Song: It Girl

By: Jason Derulo

*Warning sorry if there is bad grammar I wrote this at 2am

When the bell rang in Math, I sigh. This is what I've been waiting for all day lunch.

I walked out of Math and went too the lunch room. I grabbed my food than stranded in the middle of the lunch room looking for a place too sit.

I felt like everyone was starring at me..making fun of me. I start hearing voices.

She's so ugly. She's so fat. She has no friends. She's a loner.

Those words keep going in circles in my head. "Hey Sky over here!" I snap out of it and see that it was my brother, I walked over too the table he was at.

"Set here." He says, I sat next too him. "Guys this is my twin sister Sky, Sky this is my girlfriend Alisa, that's Jordan as you already know, than there is Trent." He says,

"We know each other." Trent says winking at me, Jordan rolls his eyes. "Hi I'm Alisa." A girl with beautiful dirty blonde and brown eyes says,

"Hi" I say, we all chatted for a while. I looked at my food than my stomach.

I'm too fat too eat. Why do I have too be so fat? I'm hungry but too fat...

"Are you okay?" Jordan whispers beside me, "Yea." I say with my fake smile,

"I know your faking." He says, I look at him. "What?" I ask, "I know that's a fake smile. So tell me what's wrong?" He asks, I look at him in shock.

How'd he know? Knows every been able too see past it.

"Sky?" He asks, "Oh uhh I don't feel like talking right now." I say, "Sky you can tell me. I won't say anything too your brother. You can tell me anything." He says,

"Look Jordan I just really don't want too talk." I say, "Fine, but if you ever need me I'm here for you." He says,

"Are you not hungry?" Alisa asks, everyone looks at me waiting for a answer. Wow thanks Alisa, I really don't like too be in the spotlight.

"Uhhh no not really." I say, "But you didn't eat any breakfast." Carter says, because I don't want too get any fatter than I am.

No I haven't, I'm just not hungry. Okay?" I ask, "Alright...." He says not believe one word that comes out of my mouth,

"So Sky where did you live before you came too live with your brother?" Alisa asks, "California," I say,

"Oh! I've always wanted too visit there!" Alisa says, "Cool." I say,

"Hi." I heard someone say behind me. It was a girl with blonde hair and beautiful blue eyes, why cant I look like that?

"Hi Amelia." Alisa says, "Who's this..." She says looking at me, "This is my sister Sky." Carter says,

"Oh...Hello Sky" She says fake smiling at me it wasn't my type of fake smile.

You can see right threw hers and it was made up of discussion and snootiness. "Uhh hi?" I say more of a question,

"Why does your clothes have holes in them?" She asks almost laughing, "Uhhh I-I don't know...there just my clothes..." I say,

"Where do you live a dumpster?" She asks, "Amelia stop it." Jordan says,

"You have no part in this Jordan." She says, "You don't belong here." Amelia says looking at me this time, she's right.

I don't belong here. This school is full of brats. Too bad I can't say it out loud...

"Your probably right..." I whisper, everyone goes quiet. "Probably? No you don't belong here." She says smirking,

"Your right. I don't belong here. I'll just be going than." I say, I blocked everyone's voice out and just ran too the girls restroom.

I locked the door so nobody could come in. I leaned against the door sliding down. I hugged my knees.

I don't belong here. This school is full of rich kids. And where do I stand? I don't even stand.

A single tear rolls of my cheek and than goes too a sob. Someone was banging on the door.

"Sky...are you okay?" I hear Carter ask, no. I'm not. "I'm fine. I'm just tired." I say, I'm not fine. I'm just tired of life.

"Sky..." I hear Jordan say, after whipping my tears I opened the door. "I want too go back too the house please." I say,

"Yea...come on." Carter says, "Get a good nights rest." Alisa says waving at me,

Me, Carter, and Jordan all walked out of the school and got in the car. It was silent, nobody was talking. I hate silence, it makes me feel alone...

The whole way back too the house it was like that. Nobody said a word. Just silence the whole way.

When we got there I ran up too my room ignoring Sarah's worried calls. I threw my door open and slammed it shut, locking it behind me.

I sobbed into my pillow making sure nobody can hear me. I got a text from my friend Karina.

Who's Karina you ask? Well I met her online, on Instagram. She's the only one that knows about how I feel. Well half of what I feel.

I don't like too just keep all my feelings bottled up. So she's there when I need her. But online friendships can only go so far.

It's hard because she's not here with me. So I don't tell her everything that happens. But she's the only person that knows parts of it.

Its hard too tell people about my life or at least about how I feel. I don't have anyone too tell what my life is like too.

Sometimes I wish I had someone that I could just let everything go to. That I can tell everything too. It would take a big weight off of my shoulders.

(K- Karina S- Sky)

K- Hey Sky

S- Hey

K- Wyd?

S- Reading.

I told you it can only go so far. I don't want people worrying about me. Especially when they have problems of there own.

K- Cool.

S- Yea.

Always remember...
Not everything is what it seems

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