Chapter 23: Dreams & A Date?

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This chapters song 😁

Song: My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark

By: Fall Out Boy

Okayyy so hiiiii I just wanted to say...
I love youuuuu anyways that's it...continue

I'm always overthinking stuff. I don't know why...I just overthink everything! I mean I know a lot of people have this same over thinking...problem.

"SKYLAR!" My mom yells, wait. My mom? "MOM!" I yell, I run over to her. She hugs me. "What are you doing here?" I ask,

"Well I got a plane and came to see you and Carter!" She says happily, "I missed you so much!" I cry, but then my dad comes and takes her.

"Skylar!" She yells, I run after her but it's like I wasn't going anywhere. I wasn't moving my body. "Mom!" I yell,

"Skylar! Skylar! Skylar wake up!" She yells, suddenly everything disappears and I'm on my bedroom floor with Carter looking at me strangely.

"Why were you screaming 'mom'?" He asks, I get off of the floor. "It doesn't matter. It was just a dream." I say,

"Okay...anyways I'm going on a date with Emma." He says, "Okay. Bye I'll see ya later." I say, "Bye, bye." He says walking out of my room.

Yay. I get the house to myself. Maybe I could go on a date with that hot pizza man dude who gave me his number. Orrrr I could eat all the cookie dough I can find in the kitchen.

Yeah let's go with the cookie dough idea.

I look out my window and made sure Carter was gone. When I see his car was no longer there I went down the stairs and into the kitchen.

"OH COME ON! CAN I NEVER GET A MOMENT ALONE!?" I yell as I see Jordan eating some chips. "Damn girl! You don't have to yell!" He says, then he smirks. "And no. You can never get a moment alone. I'll be here forever." He says,

I sigh taking the cookie dough out of the fridge. The fridge is my best friend. People say diamonds are a girls best friend like no their fridge is their best friend.

I sit on the floor and quietly eat my cookie dough while Jordan stares at me. "Why are you starring at me?" I ask, "Because it's my face and I can do whatever I want with it. If I want to stare at you than I'm gonna." He says,

"Whatever." I say, "You wanna go out?" He asks, I choke on my cookie dough. "God! Are you okay Sky?" He asks, "Like on a date?" I ask,

"No. I mean like go OUT of the HOUSE. Not on a date." He says laughing, "Oh. Well sure." I say, "Unless you want it to be a date?" He asks wiggling his eye brows.

"No thank you." I say, "Very polite. I like that in a girl." He says winking at me. I glare at him. "You are weird." I say, "No. I am Jordan. It's sad that you can't even remember my name." He says, I roll my eyes.

"So where do you want to go?" I ask, "Well first I think you might want to change." He says, I look down and see I'm wearing booty shorts and a T-shirt. "Yeah..." I say blushing.

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