Chapter 31: Camera & Getting Ready

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Hey guys!!! I literally cried a few tears while writing this! 😢 but anyways...This chapters song :)

Song: Cake

By: Melanie Martinez

Trent's lips were on mine. He was kissing me. His lips were so soft I couldn't resist. I kissed back. But as soon as I realized what I was doing I pulled away and slapped him.

"Why would you do that!?" I yell, "Do what!? Don't act like you didn't like it! You kissed me back! So you had to have liked it!" He says,

"Go away and don't ever come back!" I yell, what am I supposed to do? What am I supposed to do about Jordan? How am I supposed to tell him?

He's going to leave me. I can't let that happen! He makes me so happy! He's the only thing that makes me smile and laugh. I feel alive around him.

Nobody has ever made me feel that way except...Alan. But I don't want to talk about him...ever again.

He was a blessing and a curse. Mostly a curse. He changed me for the worse. And changed my life for the worse.

I have to wasn't just him that made me this way. It was me too. If I didn't agree to some of the things than I wouldn't be like this.

So it wasn't just his fault. It was mine too. He did some wonderful things. But he also did some horrible things.

"Don't worry. I'll leave. I got what I needed. Come on out boys!" Trent says, two boys pop out of the bushes next to the house with their cameras.

"Wait! Trent! Did you take a picture of us kissing?" I ask, "I sure did...princess. Bye now." He says winking at me then walking away with the two mystery guys.

What is going on?

Well great! Now I sound like Ernie from K.C. Undercover! That's cool. Why am I thinking about this? I have no idea.

I walk back into the house. Wow. I sit beside the door. A few minutes later there's a knock at the door. I get up and open it to show Emma. "Finally!" I say,

"Awww you wanted to see me that bad?" She asks, "Girl, you have no idea." I say, she smiles and pulls me up the stairs and into my room.

I sit on my bed as she puts the clothes she picked beside me. "Okay so these are what I picked." She says, I smile at her and start looking at them.

"Wait so why do you need these...sorry...I forgot." She says laughing, "I'm going to meet Jordan's family and I needed something...not know." I say,

"Yeah. I understand. Anyways...I guess I'll have to do your make up and hair to! So you can look good for his family!" She says, wait what? "No! No! No! I just wanted something to wear! Not a makeover!" I say laughing nervously,

"Oh come on! It'll be fun!" She says, I sigh. "Fine. Just a little. Don't go all out." I say, she squealed. "You'll love it!" She says,

"Yeah, yeah." I say, we look through the dresses. "What about this one? I think it'll look cute on you!" She says, showing me a white shirt with some orange shorts.

"It's not really me...buts it's cute." I say, "Yeah. Oh look! And you have some converse that will match perfectly!" She says showing me some orange flip flops that were in my closet.

"Go try it on!" She says, shoving me and the clothes in the bathroom. About 10 minutes later when I'm finished I come out. "Beautiful!" She says,

"Thank you!" I say, "Now it's time for hair and make up!" She says, she grabs a big bag that was laying on the floor next to her and puts it on my bed.

"Sit." She says, "Uhh okay." I say, I sit on my bed next to her. "Make up first." She says, "Sooo uhhh what are you gonna do to my face?" I ask,

"I'm just gonna put a little mascara on. That's it." She says, "Uhhh what's mascara?" I ask, "This." She says, pulling a stick thingy out of the bag.

She starts putting it on. "Done! Perfect! This makes your eyes just pop right out! They're so pretty. I love your eyes." She says, "Really? I like your eyes. I don't really like mine." I say,

"What? How?! Your eyes are gorgeous." She says, "Uhhh thank you." I say, "It's no problem!" She says, smiling at me.

"Now for the hair!" She says, she grabs a curling iron and a big bow out of her big magical bag.

"Come over here." She says, she plugs the curling iron in and sits down. I sit in front of her and she starts doing my hair. This is going to take a year.

I take out my phone to see if there is any text messages from Jordan. There was one.

I'll be there soon! The family can't wait to meet you! See ya soon! Bye babe! 💕

I can't wait either! I'm getting dressed! See ya soon! ☺️

"That's Jordan?" I hear Emma ask from behind me. I chuckle to myself. "Yeah..." I say,

"You nerves?" She asks, "About what?" I ask, "You know...about meeting his family." She says,

"No! Of course not! Why would I be?" I say laughing, she smirks. "Don't lie to me." She says, "I'm not lying!...okay I'm lying. I'm so nervous! I don't know what to do!" I say,

"Don't worry. I was nervous when meeting you. And now we are like best friends!" She says, I laugh.

"That's very true. But what if they don't like me?" I ask, "Well do you like Jordan?" She asks, "Well yeah, of course. I'm dating him." I say,

"Does Jordan like you?" She asks, "Uhh yeah. I guess," I say, "Then you have nothing to worry about! As long as you two really like each other...nothing will tear you two apart." She says, smiling at me while finishing my hair.

"Yeah...nothing will tear us apart." I say,

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